
Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month? Yes, and here's why.

Can Catholics celebrate Pride Month, when the LGBTQ community marks its place in society? Can Catholics celebrate the series of events that take …
English Catholic
A lot of 'gay pride' parades have naked/semi-naked men parading around in front of women and children, who just happened to be in the street at the same time. Do you think this is acceptable? See this recent Remnant video: “THE SCIENCE” ON TRIAL: Jeff Sachs and the CDC’s Dr. Redfield Turn State’s Evidence (not all of the video is on Pride marches).
Sean Johnson
Father Karl A Claver
No one can celebrate sin especially the sin that cries to God for vengeance.
The very question itself is sick. It is an abomination to even think in such a way. The concept is a blasphemous profanity, the very thought of which is rooted in absolute rebellion against God Himself.
Denis Efimov
A Catholic would never even think of such a question. Only a non-Catholic can ask that. And the answer is a categorical and comprehensive no.