
German Bishops Use Lawyer Against PiusX Youth

The German Bishops' Conference paid a lawyer to prohibit the PiusX Catholic Youth Movement from publishing a list of email addresses on the internet, VaticanNews.va (February 2) reported.

The movement had called (German report) to write protest mails to participants of the German Synodal Way, and published their mail-addresses.

The bishops put forward "data protection reasons" to stifle this protest. The list is no longer online.

The movement represents in Germany about 500 young people in 20 local groups.

Picture: © k-j-b.info, #newsHilpizgmhu

German Catholics must pay for the sacraments, the definition of the grave sin of Simony. If they refuse to pay the Kirchensteuer, to fund the great apostasy project of the German episcopate, they are excommunicated in all but name.
This is Cardinal Marx -- his NO"mass"-- this is what the German Bishops, who were behind the Amazon Synod and work hand in glove with Pope F, have in mind for the Church: www.youtube.com/watch
Why can't the list be spread anonymously or, better still, through American Catholic web-site and then linked back to Germany. Media sites use this tactic all the time to circumvent copyright restrictions.