Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours over a single day'

TWO POPES TAKE ABORTION-TAINTED VACCINE - Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours over a single day' Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI both received their first shots of the …More
Pfizer-BioNTech serum designed in 'just a few hours over a single day'
Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI both received their first shots of the ethically and medically contested Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Wednesday, a day before Norway reported 23 deaths in connection with vaccination.
"I can confirm that, as part of the vaccination program of the Vatican city-state, the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been administered to Pope Francis and to the Pope Emeritus," Matteo Bruni, director of the Holy See Press Office, told reporters.
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which uses the HEK-293 (human embryo kidney) cell line from a 1972 abortion, requires recipients of the jab to receive a second dose of the serum three weeks after the first dose.
In an interview televised Sunday on Italy's Canale 5, Francis accused vaccine agnostics of possessing a "suicidal denialism."
"It is not an option; it is an ethical action because you are playing …More
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Cuthbert Mayne
Or perhaps he believes that the corporation with evil is not proximal in this case? And to receive the vaccine is not sinful.
Perhaps your preference of abstraction in philosophy should be juxtaposed with true scientists identifying reality of big pharma industry implementing with governments coercive policies powered by MSM propaganda of lies and fear to manage humanity for profits.
Cuthbert Mayne
I didn’t understand a word of that, was it Swahili or a lesser known dialect of Inuit?
Wayside Shrine Maker
Just a guess, but I can envision that Benedict was not aware of the abortion tainted aspects. Do you really think those horrible people who surround him would explain? He's very very old, maybe still brilliant in many respects but nobody in their 90's is sharp an all. Very sad to see. This may be elder abuse.
Then again is there evidence of pope factually being injected with mRNA other than claims to promote the "covid" depopulation revolution/ operation?