Gloria.TV News on the 31st of October. Mostly hot air: Father Federico Lombardi, the director of the Holy See Press Office, released a short statement addressing the issue of the U.S. National Security …More
Gloria.TV News on the 31st of October.
Mostly hot air: Father Federico Lombardi, the director of the Holy See Press Office, released a short statement addressing the issue of the U.S. National Security Agency spying on the Vatican – quote: "My response regarding the alleged wiretapping is that we don't know anything about this matter and in any case, we have no worries about it.” Lombardi’s insouciance must be based on the knowledge that - when Catholic prelates utter words – the result is mostly hot air.
Antithetical to the Gospel: Daniel McInerny has asked the question on aleteia.org when should a Catholic Institution be declared dead? He takes the nominally Catholic Notre Dame University as an example. He describes it as “a secular school in a Catholic neighborhood.” McInerny finds the diagnostic principle in order to discern whether a Catholic institution is flourishing or dying in the two questions: are the people of the institution inspired by the Gospel and Catholic teaching? Or …More
Happy Feast of All Saints, with special memories in the holy mass.
🙏 🙏 👍 😇
thanks for the news
Thanks for the news.