LifeNews and LifeSiteNews on a pillory of the 3rd millenium. "Biased" means not-liked for political reasons

An index of unreliable news websites

(Graphic by Isaac Avila Rodriguez) By Barrett Golding Misinformation is a thriving industry on the internet, supported by social media shares, advertising dollars …
De Profundis
Poynter is a fake News, ideologically charged left leaning site,. This is like the hypocrisy of the southern poverty law center labeling groups as "hate groups."
The imperialist propaganda websites such as CNN are conspicuously omitted. This list is meant to shill for a single Western ideology.
Holy Cannoli
Interesting that reliable conservative sites are listed as unreliable including Breitbart, CNS, DailyCaller, FreeRepublic, LifeSiteNews, LifeNews, RedState, The Blaze and The Gateway Pundit...
While very liberal “Hate Trump All the Time” leftist sites such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, WLS, The LA Times, The NY Times and The Chicago Tribune do not appear on this list? 😲More
Interesting that reliable conservative sites are listed as unreliable including Breitbart, CNS, DailyCaller, FreeRepublic, LifeSiteNews, LifeNews, RedState, The Blaze and The Gateway Pundit...

While very liberal “Hate Trump All the Time” leftist sites such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, WLS, The LA Times, The NY Times and The Chicago Tribune do not appear on this list? 😲