Michael Vorris Again, SSPX is "Nazi Pedophile cult" Michael Vorris of ChurchMilitant: "It’d be very curious to see what @SSPXEN followers would say if it was their family@member sexually assaulted. …More
Michael Vorris Again, SSPX is "Nazi Pedophile cult"

Michael Vorris of ChurchMilitant: "It’d be very curious to see what @SSPXEN followers would say if it was their family@member sexually assaulted. Would they finally open their eyes - or remain bowing before their idol of the Latin Mass being offered by a Nazi Pedophile cult."
...when Michael woke up this morning he said to Jesus Christ
'God, I thank you that I am not like other people--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector the fallen Priests of the SSPX "
Luke 18:11 😠More
...when Michael woke up this morning he said to Jesus Christ

'God, I thank you that I am not like other people--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector the fallen Priests of the SSPX "

Luke 18:11 😠
This guy has an ax to grind with the SSPX that is plain to see. Remember this is the same person who as a homosexual called out pedophile priests.
Cuthbert Mayne
Voris is a hypocrite. He expects his donors and premium members of CMTV to forgive his homosexual sinful past, (which he confessed to in a Vortex episode, only when he thought that the Archdiocese of NY was about to unleash a ton of his own excrement) but he is not willing to forgive or forget anyone else’s transgressions. Real or made up. This isn’t very catholic. Voris is really a disgusting …More
Voris is a hypocrite. He expects his donors and premium members of CMTV to forgive his homosexual sinful past, (which he confessed to in a Vortex episode, only when he thought that the Archdiocese of NY was about to unleash a ton of his own excrement) but he is not willing to forgive or forget anyone else’s transgressions. Real or made up. This isn’t very catholic. Voris is really a disgusting pervert, who looks as ugly as his sins and the filth he spews out. I met him once in my town (We were young and easily impressed), his handshake was like holding a wet fish and he was shorter than my wife. He agreed to take a picture with us, and I noticed curiously he stood on box to reach our height whilst his staffer took the picture, omitting the box. Clearly there’s quite a lot of mental health issues he’s grappling with. Such as short man syndrome.
We should pray for his real conversion.
By the way CMTV has removed Voris’ ‘confession’ from their site but you can see it on embedded sites, such as this:
Cuthbert Mayne
Mr Voris is firmly in the hands of Satan. There’s no other explanation
Alex A
Possible, but prefer to see it terms of being influenced, as we all are at times, by the devil(s).
Cuthbert Mayne
In that case Voris probably has full time influence.
stjoseph2 shares this
Michael, when will you stop attacking traditional Catholics? I do understand that the SSPX and all traditional Catholics are in a way your main competition. People who attend the SSPX churches are usually truth seeking and large families. The only thing that makes sense is that it has to do donations.
Can anyone tell me who Mr Voris is funded by? The SSPX is anything but a Nazi Cult, why is he constantly tearing them down? While there have been some unfortunate incidents that definitely needed to be addressed, and I pray for those who have been victimized, this is not something that is prevalent throughout the SSPX. I started to watch the first video that Mr Voris came out with attacking the SSPX …More
Can anyone tell me who Mr Voris is funded by? The SSPX is anything but a Nazi Cult, why is he constantly tearing them down? While there have been some unfortunate incidents that definitely needed to be addressed, and I pray for those who have been victimized, this is not something that is prevalent throughout the SSPX. I started to watch the first video that Mr Voris came out with attacking the SSPX, and realized it was fraught with many lies (such as the suicide note that was never there), one of the people he was interviewing, the said victims sister is a practicing witch (I am sure she would love to destroy the Church in any way possible). Two of the victims families that I personally know still attend and/or teach at the SSPX schools. He never interviewed anyone who could defend some of the priests ( who were accused and never actually charged as they are innocent).One of the accused priests was actually helping some women who were escaping from abusive husbands, and this priest was accused of showing up at the women's houses like he was secretly meeting with them, wow. Go ask the kids how they feel about the priest who was trying to help them. (One of the fathers vowed to take down the SSPX--maybe Mike is helping him). This is lousy reporting, not even worthy of the National Enquirer. Not denying that there have been some "Judas'" within the SSPX, but the majority of the priests are incredible and sacrifice themselves daily for their flock. Why don't we pray for our priest and not tear them down. Just as the Church was infiltrated a long time ago by the Communist, we have to realize it can happen to any group (Our Lord had Judas among His 12 apostles, why would we be so brazen to think others could not have traitors within?). Be vigilant in watching over your children and teach them well. My prayers for Mr Voris, something is not quite right with him. As I said, help and pray for any victims as the deepest places in hell are reserved for those who abuse the innocent, but don't believe all the sensational reporting either, it is full of half truths as well as lies. May the Holy Ghost grant us wisdom in these dark days.
Can anyone tell you who funds MV?
Hey Michael, can you tell me what part of, "Nazi Pedophile cult" is charitable?
Alex A
Speaking personally and directly to Michael Voris's question I would, being both father and grandfather and of a temperament not conducive to pacifism, would find it very difficult refraining from, shall we say, physical retribution. One would sincerely hope and pray such abuse is not evident but recognising that we are all 'tainted with 'original sin' one cannot discount that the Society's priest …More
Speaking personally and directly to Michael Voris's question I would, being both father and grandfather and of a temperament not conducive to pacifism, would find it very difficult refraining from, shall we say, physical retribution. One would sincerely hope and pray such abuse is not evident but recognising that we are all 'tainted with 'original sin' one cannot discount that the Society's priest are just as vulnerable to Satan "seeking the ruin of souls" as any other Catholic priest. As for your nonsensical comment, ....."or remain bowing before their idol of the Latin Mass." One might expect better of a claimant of journalistic prowess and indeed, of someone making claim to be Catholic. When did the Church change its teaching on the issue of vitriolic hatred, or is it still a sin in need of a Reconciliation visit Michael?