
Francis Appoints Brothel Operator To Vatican Position

On August 18, Francis appointed wealthy Eugenio Zaffaroni, 83, as director of a newly created "Fray Bartolomé de las Casas" institute for the research and promotion of social rights [= immigration propaganda].

Zaffaroni is a former judge of the Argentine Supreme Court (2003-2015), aligned with Kirchnerism [salon socialism], the evil spirit behind the introduction of abortion in Argentina, a promoter of drug legalisation and homosex sham-marriages, and therefore a darling of the oligarchs.

An investigation by Perfil.com revealed that in 2011 six of Zaffaroni's apartments in Buenos Aires' upper class neighbourhood Recoleta were used for prostitution by the hour.

Among them was a 25-square-metre, three-room apartment bought by Zaffaroni in 2000. Two or three prostitutes provided sexual services in shifts, charging 120 pesos per hour.

In May 2013, Zaffaroni's lawyer, Ricardo Montivero, appeared before the court and declared that he was in charge of managing the prostitution flats and Zaffaroni declared himself a "victim" of "distortion of the lease."

The lawyer was fined 10,000 pesos for violating the Prophylaxis Law regulating prostitution.


la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio's apostate record that shows that he had already betrayed the faith in Argentina is the evidence that disqualifies him as a legitimate Pope and by persisting in his old heresies and his same challenges against God and against the Church we can see that Bergoglio has neither shame nor signs of repentance. He and his former accomplices are on the path of final impenitence, which is one of …More
Bergoglio's apostate record that shows that he had already betrayed the faith in Argentina is the evidence that disqualifies him as a legitimate Pope and by persisting in his old heresies and his same challenges against God and against the Church we can see that Bergoglio has neither shame nor signs of repentance. He and his former accomplices are on the path of final impenitence, which is one of the sins of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio in Argentina was already a heretic, an apostate and a SCHISMATIC. And the Magisterium of the Church clearly teaches that whoever is not a living member of the Church cannot be its HEAD.
Louis IX
Don’t these old buggers ever retire? 83 and taking a new position. Find a fishing pole and use it!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I read that even Cardinals in the VAtican, who have usually kept their big mouths shut regarding everything Bergoglio does, and every sin he commits, are outraged by the appointment of another Argentine.
So many people say Bergoglio isn't well, he's dying, he won't be here in afew months. I've done that too, but I'm beginning to wonder if he's all that sick as sometimes I read.
I don't wish anyone …More
I read that even Cardinals in the VAtican, who have usually kept their big mouths shut regarding everything Bergoglio does, and every sin he commits, are outraged by the appointment of another Argentine.
So many people say Bergoglio isn't well, he's dying, he won't be here in afew months. I've done that too, but I'm beginning to wonder if he's all that sick as sometimes I read.
I don't wish anyone bad, of course, but wouldn't it be funny, that after all this gossip and rumors about his health, that there's really nothing wrong with Bergoglio.
I know many would be disappointed. I don't like to wish bad on anyone, but somehow I wish he would be gone. And not Zuppi as the next Pope.🤮
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori so horrible....Bergoglio showing to us...I must destroying to our Orthodox teachings...we must, must know about this crazy Old Man's truth!!! and I am very angry about Bergoglio's today action....Angelus time...he silence to Pakistan's Persecution...maybe you heard..few days ago..Islamic Extremists attack to many Churches...but Pakistan Government did not care to them...Bergoglio …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori so horrible....Bergoglio showing to us...I must destroying to our Orthodox teachings...we must, must know about this crazy Old Man's truth!!! and I am very angry about Bergoglio's today action....Angelus time...he silence to Pakistan's Persecution...maybe you heard..few days ago..Islamic Extremists attack to many Churches...but Pakistan Government did not care to them...Bergoglio silence about this situation..so horrible...not just only Pakistan....he silence to many African countries situation..like Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DR Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Mozambique....ah..he dose not saying about Communist's Persecution too..like Communist China, Cuba, Nicaragua.....this man saying to Climate change...ah....I can't explain my feeling....this man ignore to his first duty.....I told you....do you think Bergoglio's health is no good?? I am not sure....I told you always....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too..many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement- I'll have to look at what Bergoglio said at today's Angelus.....nothing of value I'm sure. Regarding the persecution of Christians in Pakistan- they are mostly Protestants who are being persecuted, not Catholics, so I can understand Bergoglio not saying anything. Bergoglio and his Vatican don't care about the persecution of faithful, traditional Catholics in Africa …More
@Clement Jaeho Chung -Hi Clement- I'll have to look at what Bergoglio said at today's Angelus.....nothing of value I'm sure. Regarding the persecution of Christians in Pakistan- they are mostly Protestants who are being persecuted, not Catholics, so I can understand Bergoglio not saying anything. Bergoglio and his Vatican don't care about the persecution of faithful, traditional Catholics in Africa, because they are 99% against his pro-homo agenda, so therefore he has no use for faithful Catholics......he and his people only care for radical liberal, dissident, pro-homo Catholics (and there are not many of them).
Bergoglio has the same mind as Biden, and the USA government. He cares more about Muslim migrants and climate change than he does about his own Church.
As of now, I don't pay attention to anything Bergoglio says or does. He and his people are not Catholic, so I myself, and I know millons of others, totally repudiate him and his agenda. Some people are stupid enough to still call him "Holy Father".
THat's their mistake, not mine😂!! Have a good week!!