SHOCKING: Crisis actor admits playing the part of a patient struggling with COVID-19. She shows her contract detailing her role, which details she has to pretend she is short of breath.
Facts Not Lies
We will continue to see dramatization of extremes selling both facts and the covid scare.
Remember.... anecdotal evidence aside... death rate for this (unverified, unqualified, unisolated) cold is still less than 0.5% even using their bloated numbers. I am waiting to get real data... but, we seem to find that the jab has a death rate of over 1%.
0.5% death rate for an unproven cold
1.0% death rate …More
We will continue to see dramatization of extremes selling both facts and the covid scare.

Remember.... anecdotal evidence aside... death rate for this (unverified, unqualified, unisolated) cold is still less than 0.5% even using their bloated numbers. I am waiting to get real data... but, we seem to find that the jab has a death rate of over 1%.

0.5% death rate for an unproven cold
1.0% death rate for an untested gene therapy.
sold out