
Homosexualist Cardinal, “Gender Ideology Completely Diabolical”

The scandal-plagued former Tegucigalpa Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga preached against homosexuality on Sunday. He said, according to ElHeraldo.hn (July 23), that the gender ideology is destined …More
The scandal-plagued former Tegucigalpa Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga preached against homosexuality on Sunday.
He said, according to ElHeraldo.hn (July 23), that the gender ideology is destined to destroy families, by exposing boys and girls to ideas "that are completely diabolical."
Rodríguez warned that these weeds must not be allowed to infiltrate society, “God's plan on the family is for man and woman to form the covenant of love in marriage and in the family.”
The day before, parents and clergy organised demonstrations in seven Honduran cities against a homosex-propaganda education law.
Homosexualist Francis also calls gender ideology “diabolical” but then tells homosexuals to stay "as they are."
Picture: Rodríguez Maradiaga © wikicommons CC BY-SA, #newsMtxyiecsrp
Well now…it’s about time.
Good for Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga. Repentance has to start somewhere.