Marine Le Pen et la soumission pour tous. L'art de vendre son âme pour devenir président(e)Plus
Marine Le Pen et la soumission pour tous.
L'art de vendre son âme pour devenir président(e)
jean pierre aussant
Here my answer to your pack of lies:
First point:
Matthew 16:18
"And I tell you that you are Peter (and Peter was the first pope), and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" (which means the Catholic Church will always remain faithful).
In clear, it means that your infamous critics against the Church are tantamount to saying that Jesus was a liar. …Plus

Here my answer to your pack of lies:

First point:

Matthew 16:18

"And I tell you that you are Peter (and Peter was the first pope), and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" (which means the Catholic Church will always remain faithful).

In clear, it means that your infamous critics against the Church are tantamount to saying that Jesus was a liar.

Second point:

Wilders doesn’t give a damn about the Christian religion and the Christian values. He never said a word to condemn abortion and gay lobbies. He just uses the naivety of the people for his personal political purposes and pathological racism. It could even be he hates the Muslims because they are against gay marriage. Wilders is officially agnostic and he sustains gays lobbies www.google.de/url

I must add that there is indeed a tradition in Holland of "pro lobby-gays" racists.

Third point:

If we consider that the protestant country Holland is probably the country in the world where the culture of death (abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage) triumphs at most, it appears that this clown of Wilders had better struggle against gays, lesbian feminist and free mason lobbies rather than his bashing against Muslims. (After all, Muslims are against abortion and gay marriage).

Fourth point:

There is only one category of Jews. The Jews are the ones who recognised the Messiah of Israel in the person of Jesus. So the real Jews are the Christians. (Catholics). The false Jews who didn’t recognise the Messiah in Jesus, are no more Jews.

Fifth point:

It is not a coincidence if the holy Catholic Church (and not the protestant movements or, say, the Buddhists), is permanently slandered from the Medias. It is indeed because She is the only voice, worldwide, to condemn frontally the assassination of innocent unborn children and the “against God and nature” gay marriage. Apart from the Catholic Church, no one condemns seriously the culture of death on earth.

Sixth point:

The theme of my forum has nothing to do with Wilders. Therefore I regard that as dishonest from you to send the same text to many people, inclusive to me, just for your propaganda.

Seventh point.

Gloria TV is a catholic TV. Go somewhere else (you will find a lot of opportunities in our satanic world) to vomit your hatred and the usual banalities and lies against the Church. From now on, I don’t accept you on my forum.

Best regards
I would like to add, that Geert Wilders said that he represents the Judeo-Christian values in Europe... and that means nothing more than the endorsement of the law of God, the ten commandments.
And that means, that you should be careful to defame Geert Wilders.
But we must also be careful before other distortions and calumnies, between the true values of the Christians and the Messianic Jews, who …Plus
I would like to add, that Geert Wilders said that he represents the Judeo-Christian values in Europe... and that means nothing more than the endorsement of the law of God, the ten commandments.
And that means, that you should be careful to defame Geert Wilders.

But we must also be careful before other distortions and calumnies, between the true values of the Christians and the Messianic Jews, who believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God and Messiah... The islamic followers have another faith and their own laws, the sharia, and they do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Messiah, and also not the revealed ten Commandments from Sinai - but the V2 bisops disguise it, and they also produce their own laws in addition to the politicians - namely the so-called human-rights! But the Lord Jesus said, that no one can serve two masters... Matthew 6,24


>>>Efforts in recent years have been made to replace the term Judeo-Christian with "Abrahamic religions", so as to include Islam.[1]<<<
@jean pierre aussant
Dear Jean Pierre, that is your own opinion, but you should be only afraid because of the freemasonic politicians and the church officials, which are the true cause of any extremism - like gay lobbies, the feminism and the culture of death, by their so-called human-rights.
As faithful Christians we can not advocate for this, also not for feminism, but for the commandments of God …Plus
@jean pierre aussant
Dear Jean Pierre, that is your own opinion, but you should be only afraid because of the freemasonic politicians and the church officials, which are the true cause of any extremism - like gay lobbies, the feminism and the culture of death, by their so-called human-rights.
As faithful Christians we can not advocate for this, also not for feminism, but for the commandments of God and the equality between men and women, because God has created the first human in his image as a man and a woman. But this extreme imbalance prevail since the sin-fall.
And the dechristianization was not produced unescorted by the people, but by the elected representatives and the representatives of the Roman Catholic Church, who work together with politicians and swore an oath to the human-rights state constitution.
The commandments of God and the Bible were altered by the V2 bishops and playing no more role on the policy and the Roman Catholic Church, because they prefer the human rights, that are in practice the opposite of the Law of God.
Therefore it´s not true that the islamic people just occupying a vacuum - because the Islamization was targeted by political representatives and the roman church officials forcibly imposed behind the back of the Europeans for decades.
By the forced church-tax of the catholic faithful in Germany they supports the islamic immigrants by the Caritas federation, and have also made possible the financing of thousands of mosques, and camouflage the creeping islamic invasion as immigration.
But when the Germans refuse the payment of the forced church-tax, then they are forced by the Vatican and the V2 bishops to withdraw from the Church.

It is therefore very appreciated, that since the existence of the Internet it is impossible to disguise all that control and manipulation by their atheistic ideologues at the schools, the universities, the facultys, and by the state media and the church media.
The manipulation resulted in that there was no opposition to the abolition of the catholic states during the tenure by Josef Ratzinger, and there was no resistance from the Catholics as the masonic constitution was signed in the Vatican...
As there was also no resistance, as the Vatican in 2007 by Josef Ratzinger officially attached, that since the Second Vatican Council, the Roman Catholic Church is no longer identical with the Church of Jesus Christ, but that she subsist beside - or lateral - with other "churches" in the Roman Catholic Church.
And since taking office by Jorge Bergoglio the apostolic tradition and catholic tradition was destroyed now completely.
But you see, that they still setting up a facade since the ruination on many catholic Christians without resistance.
C'est bien résumé.
jean pierre aussant
Dear Josefine, I am afraid I don't agree with you at all. Wilders and pegida are on the false road. In reality, the dechristianisation of the occidental countries have nothing to do with the islam but are the pure product of french and european enlightenment, free masonry, gays lobbies and integrist feminism. The two corners stones of the antichristian culture of death are the assassination …Plus
Dear Josefine, I am afraid I don't agree with you at all. Wilders and pegida are on the false road. In reality, the dechristianisation of the occidental countries have nothing to do with the islam but are the pure product of french and european enlightenment, free masonry, gays lobbies and integrist feminism. The two corners stones of the antichristian culture of death are the assassination of innocent unborn children (abortion) and the "against God and nature" gay marriage. Those two cornerstones are not the product of islam but rather the product our own creation. We have created the dechristianisation and not the muslim. Islam is just occupying the vacuum which our "self made" dechristianisation has made. Yes, in the end, Wilders is a jerk who tries to intrumentalise the pegida movement to his own politician profit.
Geert Wilders: "Our freedom, our democracy, must be defended... It is our duty to defend them, and that's why we are today here... in the tradition of our freedom of speech, in the tradition to speak the Truth and to act accordingly.
26 years ago you have given here an important lesson in Dresden to the world, together with your fellow countrymen in Leipzig and other cities of the former GDR: you …Plus
Geert Wilders: "Our freedom, our democracy, must be defended... It is our duty to defend them, and that's why we are today here... in the tradition of our freedom of speech, in the tradition to speak the Truth and to act accordingly.
26 years ago you have given here an important lesson in Dresden to the world, together with your fellow countrymen in Leipzig and other cities of the former GDR: you have shown that the truth is stronger than the lie..., you have shown courage is stronger than tyranny, and you have shown that freedom is stronger than oppression... You have brought the turn of Germany at that time, and I tell you: today, we need a new turn!
Most of our politicians, the media, many church officials and scientists, close their eyes to the danger of Islamization...They are afraid... , but you, you don´t be afraid!
And I say to the prime minister of the free state of Sachsen, which meant having to warn me... to this prime minister I say: We fight against discrimination and hatred... and it's a shame that we can't find you on our site... It's a shame that you not warn against it!
We have enough of the islamization of our society! We stand for Freedom, for Truth, and we want to live in Freedom and Truth, because we believe - the life is not worth living without freedom. For this we are for Freedom and Dignity!
And Mrs. Merkel, your chancellor, said that 'Islam belong to Germany' - she´s not right! A survey last year showed: the majority of the people is of the opinion that Islam does not belongs to Germany... Mrs. Merkel - Germany, the Netherlands and other Western nations are not islamic countries!
We want no monoculture, but we want to keep our own judeo-christian culture as culture in our country...!"

Today is a great day for the movement PEGIDA in Dresden, and for all that for the preservation of peace, freedom and justice fight, because the founder of the Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders, will give a speech at this evening.
He, who is already a living legend, supports all people who wants defend themselves against the politically forced Islamization, and sent a greeting …Plus
Today is a great day for the movement PEGIDA in Dresden, and for all that for the preservation of peace, freedom and justice fight, because the founder of the Party for Freedom, Geert Wilders, will give a speech at this evening.


He, who is already a living legend, supports all people who wants defend themselves against the politically forced Islamization, and sent a greeting address to PEGIDA, to had let the club know that he supports him "by heart". PEGIDA and his party share common goals: "A free people, a free country, a civilized society and not Islamization!"
Geert Wilders and all civilized people wondering why the secular islamic citizens not just like we have for freedom and against the violence on the street.
The movement PEGIDA has resulted in disruption of Europeans - the supporters against the opponents of this movement.
It is thus obvious who stands for a liberal democratic order and who advocated the rule of Islam, of hatred, oppression and persecution against Christians, women and children, and all who tell the truth about Islam - such as Geert Wilders influenced is.
The general project plan of GOD and of all PEGIDA followers is the Love for Freedom, Peace and Justice - and that is why GOD may bless him and all PEGIDA followers!
jean pierre aussant
********* 👏 👏 on est nombreux à penser comme vous **********
jean pierre aussant
Au fond, la seule erreur de Monsieur Lepen est d'avoir mis sa fille au pouvoir plutôt que de privilégier les qualités intellectuelles et la fidélité d'une personne comme Bruno Gollnisch. En effet si Bruno Gollnisch était président du FN, nous ne serions pas confrontés à ces pitoyables trahisons.
Rien à ajouter si ce n'est que Bruno Gollnisch est toujours resté fidèle à Jean-Marie Le Pen, et qu'à lui seul actuellement il draine aujourd'hui encore beaucoup de militants de la première heure, en affichant clairement ses idées(avortement,"manifs pour tous",etc) Combien de temps pourra-t-il tenir dans ce mouvement ?