
The Altar of Truth Requires No Human Sacrifice*

Francis solemnly proclaimed from on high: "Archbishop Michel Aupetit was not forced to leave because he was found guilty of something, but because gossip had ruined his reputation". It already happened to …More
Francis solemnly proclaimed from on high: "Archbishop Michel Aupetit was not forced to leave because he was found guilty of something, but because gossip had ruined his reputation".
It already happened to Cardinal Philippe Barbarin [OMS], acquitted of any accusation of covering up abuse and yet forced to resign to save the good name of his archdiocese.
As already happened to Cardinal George Pell [OMS], who returned to Australia to "clear his name" and was removed from his posts in the Curia.
It also happened to Cardinal Rainer Woelki Archbishop of Cologne, who suffered a media mud machine for questioning the findings of a first abuse report.
Let us not forget the case of the Chilean bishops. Francis' intentions are probably the best in the world, the fact that he openly said he had sacrificed a bishop on the altar of hypocrisy cannot help but raise questions.
The altar of truth, on the other hand, asks us to exercise and live justice, it does not require human sacrifices.
*Excerpt …More
Masking double standards. Stay Classy, Francis.
Hound of Heaven
"Don't gossip!!" But, we will forcefully act upon the 'gossip-ee' if you do. On this basis, PF should have left a long time ago.