
Pontifical Institute Bashes Iran for Limiting Abortion, Contraception

AsiaNews.com (December 3), a de facto CIA propaganda outlet, has been bashing Iran for restricting abortion and contraception and promoting the family.

AsiaNews.com is produced by the Rome based Pontifical Institute for Foreign Mission (PIME). In the style of socialist child- and family-haters, it writes that the new norms are wanted by the “ultra-conservative” president Raisi in order “to control women and family life.”

The webpage complains that Raisi intends to “shelve years of free access to [immoral] contraception and [murderous] abortion,” and quotes “UN experts” who slander the forward-looking law as "a blatant violation of women's human rights" – as if murdering children were anybody’s right.

Iran has the lowest fertility rate in the Middle East experiencing a 25% drop in the birth rate over the last four years, now standing at dramatic 1.7 children per mother.

The founder of the Islamic Republic, Ruhollah Khomeini (+1989), encouraged families to have only one or two children, opposed underage pregnancies, and provided free contraceptives or vasectomies.

Picture: Teheran, © koldo, Flickr CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYqulkdqxvj

"Iran has the lowest fertility rate in the Middle East experiencing a 25% drop in the birth rate..." This is a bad thing, how, exactly?
Iran is a country (and a bad one). People who live in Iran aren't racially Iranian. Race is a biological concept and concomitantly an ethnic one. No, that isn't "sophistry" either, Steve-O . It's you don't know what you're talking about. Racial bigotry is you saying "(Gates also comes from a Jewish background, but hides it well)" even when Bill Gates attends a Catholic church. Racial bigotry …More
Iran is a country (and a bad one). People who live in Iran aren't racially Iranian. Race is a biological concept and concomitantly an ethnic one. No, that isn't "sophistry" either, Steve-O . It's you don't know what you're talking about. Racial bigotry is you saying "(Gates also comes from a Jewish background, but hides it well)" even when Bill Gates attends a Catholic church. Racial bigotry is your mentor E. Michael Jones criticizing atheists because they are (and I quote) "Jewish by birth". That's racial bigotry and you fully support the concept when it's focused on Jews

Go be a whiney little hypocrite somewhere else.
Aquinas concluded that Islam was essentially a Christian heresy. We see the corrosive effects of modernism on the Church's pastoral administration. Very sad when the heretics are closer to the truth on these two points over and above a Pontifical Institute.
Proving even saints are not infallible. Islam is apostasy since it rejects the divinity of Christ. One can not be Christian and then deny Christ is "the anointed one", i.e. the messiah.
Hound of Heaven
Once again, one almost despairs. The Pontifical Institute should be a forum for reflective counsel and charitable edification of the World based upon our Faith, not ideological chastisement anchored in the secular world instead of the Gospel and Scripture. It risks becoming the 'Prodigal son's brother'.