
Müller: This Is not About Arguments But About "Intellectual and Moral Insanity"

Oligarch media activists have taken recourse to a shameless slander propaganda after Cardinal Gerhard Müller criticised in an interview the oligarch controlled "New World Order."

Although Müller has said similar things before, this time, the oligarchs totally lost it even operating with hoax-accusations such as "conspiracy theory" or "antisemitism" as if Judaism were a form of Covid infection.

In the face of so much frenzy, Müller told LifeSiteNews.com (December 15) that “there is no way of healing the intellectual and moral insanity of our opinion leaders” [= media activists].

He observed that the show "created by indignation theorists" is not about arguments in an objective debate but only "a battle against persons who speak the truth.”

In a second statement Müller said (Kath.net, December 16) that the oligarchs call Covid openly a “chance" (!) for their “Great Reset.”

Any criticism of a view of man who is reduced to economics is dismissed "with the cheap propaganda trick of alleged conspiracy theories," the Cardinal analysed.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsYdbmenpevn

You are obviously well read but name calling is not nice of either of you. This is not good for the heart - calm down
"name calling is not nice of either of you."
Maaa... he started it. :D
In my defense, at least when I call someone a moron. a bigot, or a hypocrite, there's support for the accusation. I'm still waiting for Steve D to show proof I'm a "crypto-Jew" (either ethnically, or religiously). Perhaps he can ask his pal V.R.S. for help.More
"name calling is not nice of either of you."

Maaa... he started it. :D

In my defense, at least when I call someone a moron. a bigot, or a hypocrite, there's support for the accusation. I'm still waiting for Steve D to show proof I'm a "crypto-Jew" (either ethnically, or religiously). Perhaps he can ask his pal V.R.S. for help.
@Steve D Cardinal Muller said nothing about Jews or Karl Schwab or Bill Gates in this post. Cdl. Muller isn't a bigot like you. Bill Gates goes to a Catholic Church. You should try it some time.
The curb-stomping will continue as long as the post-hijacking does.;-) Oy vey indeed. Pic related.More
@Steve D Cardinal Muller said nothing about Jews or Karl Schwab or Bill Gates in this post. Cdl. Muller isn't a bigot like you. Bill Gates goes to a Catholic Church. You should try it some time.

The curb-stomping will continue as long as the post-hijacking does.;-) Oy vey indeed. Pic related.
I repeat "in this post". You linked a different post. You can't tell one post from another, you moron. And he still didn't say anything about Jews in EITHER post.
D is for Different, Steve D. This post is not that post. You hijacked the wrong post. INB4 "Dat's sophistry"
You ususally drop that word when you can't squirm out of a mistake. Let's see if you do it here, eh? ;-)
Considering how …More
I repeat "in this post". You linked a different post. You can't tell one post from another, you moron. And he still didn't say anything about Jews in EITHER post.

D is for Different, Steve D. This post is not that post. You hijacked the wrong post. INB4 "Dat's sophistry"

You ususally drop that word when you can't squirm out of a mistake. Let's see if you do it here, eh? ;-)

Considering how many Catholic priests have been caught abusing children, that still doesn't contradict them being Catholic or Bill Gates' going to a Catholic Church.

You're wrong and the LMAOOO "Bigot Barking" won't change that.

Again, you're proving it's the noise you make when someone else says something you can't think of yourself.
Is that "threatening" Steve-O? Should I play the victim the way you did and report it to GTV? Scratch a bigot and you find a hypocrite, eh? Nah, you're just wrong you can't deny it, you won't admit it. Gotta love that Texas Trash Talk... :D
"The Talmud has Jesus Christ buried in excrement in hell,"
...and the Quran claims Jesus isn't God and Buddhists insist Jesus travelled to India and Tibet and learned His philosophy from their sages.. Blasphemy doesn't bother you, Bigot-Boy. Jews bother you. Everything else is just false outrage to justify your bigotry.
"from the Council and Nostra Aetate"
Notra Aetate repeated Catholic teachings …More
"The Talmud has Jesus Christ buried in excrement in hell,"

...and the Quran claims Jesus isn't God and Buddhists insist Jesus travelled to India and Tibet and learned His philosophy from their sages.. Blasphemy doesn't bother you, Bigot-Boy. Jews bother you. Everything else is just false outrage to justify your bigotry.

"from the Council and Nostra Aetate"

Notra Aetate repeated Catholic teachings that Popes publicly declared decades before Vatican Council II. In 1938 Pope Pius XI denounced anti-Semitism, stating that "it is not possible for Christians to take part in anti-Semitism" Nostra Aetate infuriates you false-Catholic Jew-haters because it condemns your hatred as "foreign to the mind of Christ". Nostra Aetate is the official position of the Catholic Church. E. Michael Jones is not.

Now give me a nice loud "Bigot-Bark" to admit you're wrong. ;-)
...and I've pointed out a hundred times only a few Jews were responsible for Christ's death, not ALL Jews. As a Jew-hater, you can not and will not accept that.
"In terms of Aristotle's 4 causes, the Jews were the "efficient" cause of our Lord's death,"
Aristotle would know better than to make a Fallacy of Composition. "Those Jews (i.e those leaders at that time and place) are not ALL Jews (alive …More
...and I've pointed out a hundred times only a few Jews were responsible for Christ's death, not ALL Jews. As a Jew-hater, you can not and will not accept that.

"In terms of Aristotle's 4 causes, the Jews were the "efficient" cause of our Lord's death,"

Aristotle would know better than to make a Fallacy of Composition. "Those Jews (i.e those leaders at that time and place) are not ALL Jews (alive at the time and all born since).

"to which they are still held accountable."

Benedict XVI, speaking has Pope on a matter of faith and morals disagrees with you.


A Catholic would know this... :-)

"This has made them revolutionaries against the Logos - Jesus Christ - the moral order of the universe."

That's a re-hash of E. Michael Jones. Every person who refuses to accept Christ rebels against Him. Jews are just one of many. Also, moral order predates Christ as Christ Himself admits in Matthew 5:17

You slopped this nonsense out earlier this week. Repeating it doesn't make it true, it just makes you a third-rate propagandist.

"Criticizing subversive Jewish behavior does not make one an anti-Semite."

You're not criticizing suberversive Jewish behavior". You Jew-haters always hide behind that excuse. You critize people simply because they ARE Jews. That's racial bigotry, nothing more. E. Michael Jones does the same.

"The issue is not of race but it is theological."

...which explains why you're attacking "Jewish" Bill Gates when he's attending a Catholic Church. Which explains why E. Michael Jones attacks athiests because they are "Jewish by birth". (his words).

He's a liar and so are you.

"Only the likes of Abe Foxman at the ADL and the UV Babbling BS Generator® try to turn it into a racial issue"

You've already turned it into one with Bill Gates as has Mistuh Jones. See my last point.

"You probably don't even know the ecumenical forces behind Nostra Aetate."

I know The Church condemned your anti-Semitism long before Nostra Aetate was written and you try very hard to ignore that.

"One key figure was Fr. Gregory Baum, a sodomite Jew convert to the faith..."

....and you just made it a racial issue. If he converted to Catholicism, then he's a Catholic. Look at the basis of YOUR criticism... "Jew convert".

You just contradicted yourself. Touche.
Repeating stupid from V.R.S. doesn't make you smart. Repeating stupid from E. Michael Jones' doesn't make you right. Now go play Indiana Jones in your back yard, Texas Trash. :P
One more comment from Ultraviolet
You just said: "(Gates also comes from a Jewish background, but hides it well)" Gates attends a Catholic Church. You are attacking him on racial grounds. Probably based on this debunked falsehood.
"Just like slandering me as a Jew-hater and a bigot, it is calumny."
Well, well... look who's playing the victim. Unlike you, I can prove my claims (and I just did). Now let's see you do the same for …More
You just said: "(Gates also comes from a Jewish background, but hides it well)" Gates attends a Catholic Church. You are attacking him on racial grounds. Probably based on this debunked falsehood.

"Just like slandering me as a Jew-hater and a bigot, it is calumny."

Well, well... look who's playing the victim. Unlike you, I can prove my claims (and I just did). Now let's see you do the same for your calumny. You've accused me of being a "crypto-Jew" and running a "sock-puppet" account. Prove it.

I noticed you dropped the "sock puppet" accusation immediately after you accidentally double-posted "your" comments and TWO accounts repeated the same comments. You can delete your comment and try to hide that buy you can't delete my screen-cap of it. Yeah, that gem is going to turn up every time you mention "sock puppet" from now on, Steve-O.

Typical hypocrite. Now you baww about "calumny" (no proof) when you've been doing it on a daily basis.

"It is against my Catholic faith to hate anyone, the Lord commands us to love even our enemies."

...said the guy who JUST said, " it's like arguing with a punk who should be horse-whipped." That's some real love you've got going on you, sanctimonious fraud.

"I follow the Church teaching of Sicut Judaeis Non, which states that no one has a right to harm the Jews"

...and last night you were praising for the "Hays Code" under Joseph Breen who was openly anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi, even to censoring movies that would depict Nazis in a bad light.

You're so full of it. "It's Against Mah Catholic Faith"... :P :P You don't have any. You lie when it suits you, defame when you can't fight with facts. You constantly contradict Church teachings since The Church repudiates your bigotry.

Sometimes I wonder if you even are a Catholic. I'm always catching you in mistakes you shouldn't be making. All your "Catholic" knowledge comes from E. Michael Jones and reflects his Jew-hating.warped theology..

One thing is for certain. I fight with the truth, you fight with lies, and you playing the victim here is just another example of that.
@Jan Joseph: Inderdaad, hoogbegaafde intellectueel die Vaticanum II gewoon erkend.
Jan Joseph
Uitstekend verhaal van Kardinaal Müller, hoogbegaafde intellectueel.
Jan Joseph
Het gaat niet om de erkenning, maar om de uitvoerbaarheid van het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie. Uit de catastrofe gevolgen die het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie heeft veroorzaakt, blijkt dat de besluiten niet uitvoerbaar zijn.
Roberto 55
but morally impaired people=sinners (majority of humankind) still follow the oligarchs=satanists and therefore they are wining...
U S Spacy
We win if we stick to the remnant however little until Jesus comes.