
Transvestites: Farewell to Common Sense - Only 7 Bishops Oppose

Rejecting the Bible and common sense, the German Synod adopted on March 11 a text on gender ideology. Only 7 bishops voted against, 13 abstained.

The ludicrous document claims that the ordination of "intersex" (sic) and transvestites should not be ruled out but should be considered on a "case-by-case basis.”

This means that a woman who believes she is a "man" would be [invalidly] ordained as a "man." Conversely, a man who dresses as a woman could become a priest.

According to the Germans, any assessment of the state of the "external" [= real] sexual characteristics of candidates for the priesthood is to be "abolished." Religious communities should allow access to people of the opposite sex.

Münster Auxiliary Bishop Stefan Zekorn criticised the text for being “almost entirely" based on gender ideology and said it was wrong to speak of the "gender variants" male and female, as the text does, because "99.38% of the population are not variants."


An unfortunate German trait, and I'm part German, is that once a German has thought about things and then decided upon a conclusion, essentially locking their mind on an idea or philosophy they will not budge or change directions -even to the bitter end. This will not end well for the Catholic Church in Germany.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"This mess and this destruction of the Church are exclusively the work of Francis and his minions. "
Copied from another CAtholic site. I think there is growing Catholic outrage across the world, and it is going to explode in Francis' face. He should never have been elected Pope.More
"This mess and this destruction of the Church are exclusively the work of Francis and his minions. "

Copied from another CAtholic site. I think there is growing Catholic outrage across the world, and it is going to explode in Francis' face. He should never have been elected Pope.
Salvatore Bastatti
'Schism' – German Catholic Bishops Vote To Bless Same-Sex Unions
‘Schism Plain and Simple’ – German Catholic Bishops Vote to Bless Same-Sex UnionsMore
'Schism' – German Catholic Bishops Vote To Bless Same-Sex Unions

‘Schism Plain and Simple’ – German Catholic Bishops Vote to Bless Same-Sex Unions
These disgusting, degenerate heretics and apostates have NOTHING to do with the True and Living God, nor His Church, whatsoever. Place ALL of Germany under the pain of Papal Interdict, and excommunicate and laicize every single Bishop and Priest who voted in support of this monstrous madness. Shut the entire accursed operation down until they learn humility and cease their abominations, and fall …More
These disgusting, degenerate heretics and apostates have NOTHING to do with the True and Living God, nor His Church, whatsoever. Place ALL of Germany under the pain of Papal Interdict, and excommunicate and laicize every single Bishop and Priest who voted in support of this monstrous madness. Shut the entire accursed operation down until they learn humility and cease their abominations, and fall on their repugnant faces in the dirt repenting of their infinite iniquities and renouncing the heretical poison of their hell-spawned apostasy. Angels weep and the blood of Saints cry out against the darkness of their foul actions and the filth of their doggish deeds. They are not worthy to even speak of the Sacraments, let alone partake of them. Wipe the slate clean of these vile, sodomite sons of Luther and his master, Lucifer. Germany has ever been the bane of the whole Church, a tainted dagger used by Satan continuously for centuries now to grievously wound the world. How long, oh Lord, how long? May God have mercy upon us all.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@SonoftheChurch -I can almost guarantee you nothing will come from the Vatican, and nothing will be done about this. Francis won't say a word. This is because :
""This mess and this destruction of the Church are exclusively the work of Francis and his minions. " (copied from another Catholic site.)
The days of anti-Pope Francis are numbered. Even just today, large parts of the Church are speaking …More
@SonoftheChurch -I can almost guarantee you nothing will come from the Vatican, and nothing will be done about this. Francis won't say a word. This is because :

""This mess and this destruction of the Church are exclusively the work of Francis and his minions. " (copied from another Catholic site.)

The days of anti-Pope Francis are numbered. Even just today, large parts of the Church are speaking out against the Germans....and against Francis. Good riddance. He will do nothing about this crisis. We all know it. He is no legit Pope, and no "Vicar of Christ". As the other Catholic site I read stated so truthfully, this IS entirely the fault of Francis and his (homo) minions".
Arthur McGowan
Interdict does not exist in the 1983 Code. And excommunication is practically abolished, except for those who celebrate the traditional Mass.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
THAT IS NOT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH......NONE OF THEM ARE. We are witnessing the birth of a new Protestant sect.
What the faithful Catholics of Germand should do, is join/follow/contribute to the SSPX or other sedevacantist (😱) Catholic groups who have kept the Catholic faith.....and start over rebuilding the Roman Catholic Faith in Germany.....buy up empty monasteries and clositers, recruit …More
THAT IS NOT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH......NONE OF THEM ARE. We are witnessing the birth of a new Protestant sect.
What the faithful Catholics of Germand should do, is join/follow/contribute to the SSPX or other sedevacantist (😱) Catholic groups who have kept the Catholic faith.....and start over rebuilding the Roman Catholic Faith in Germany.....buy up empty monasteries and clositers, recruit faithful priests,monks,nuns, or lay people to start religious Orders all over again as the Vatican II original branches die out. Give nothing to the Pope or Vatican. Contribute only to the building up of a new traditional Catholic Church in Germany. The original Catholic Church in Germany has turned radical protestant. The Vatican is filled with homos. We own no allegience to them...or to the bloated man they call Pope.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori They're discreting Pogressive ''''''Catholicism''''''and Bonny hung himself with them. Now Francis is placed with an impossible dillemma.
You don't need to tell me that we owe allegiance to the legitimate successors of Saint Peter, not anti-popes.More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori They're discreting Pogressive ''''''Catholicism''''''and Bonny hung himself with them. Now Francis is placed with an impossible dillemma.

You don't need to tell me that we owe allegiance to the legitimate successors of Saint Peter, not anti-popes.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Yes, and Francis is an anti-Pope.