Remember? When Obama kickt out a journalist. Maybe Trump should have CNN Acosta just thrown out as Obama did back then...? Why was everyone clapping back then and the same people are critizising Trump …More
Remember? When Obama kickt out a journalist.
Maybe Trump should have CNN Acosta just thrown out as Obama did back then...? Why was everyone clapping back then and the same people are critizising Trump now???
From Snopes: This clip documents an incident which took place at a July 2015 event at the White House in honor of LGBT Pride Month. President Obama was delivering a speech (not taking questions at a press conference) when a protester (not a reporter) interrupted and shouted at him to demand an end to the deportation of LGBT immigrants:
An activist interrupted President Obama at a White House event …More
From Snopes: This clip documents an incident which took place at a July 2015 event at the White House in honor of LGBT Pride Month. President Obama was delivering a speech (not taking questions at a press conference) when a protester (not a reporter) interrupted and shouted at him to demand an end to the deportation of LGBT immigrants:

An activist interrupted President Obama at a White House event celebrating L.G.B.T. Pride Month to demand an end to the deportation of L.G.B.T. immigrants. The activist was escorted from the room amid a chorus of boos and jeers from the assembled guests.

The activist, Jennicet Gutiérrez, who is transgender and says she is in the country illegally, interrupted Mr. Obama shortly after he began speaking, calling from the back of the room, “President Obama, release all L.G.B.T.Q. immigrants from detention and stop all deportations!”
President Obama displayed little patience with the heckler, telling her, “You’re in my house” before having her removed.
THe dems are hipocrites