Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Philip Neri. Vatican Receives Appeal from Parishioners USA The Vatican has followed an appeal from parishioners and ruled that the Diocese of Syracuse should not …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Philip Neri.

Vatican Receives Appeal from Parishioners


The Vatican has followed an appeal from parishioners and ruled that the Diocese of Syracuse should not deconsecrate a closed St. Mary’s parish Church in Jamesville, New York. The diocese must instead maintain it as a worship site. Following the 2007 closing of the parish, laity maintained a year-long vigil until they were escorted out by a sheriff’s department officer. Matthew Loveland, a sociology professor, commented: The decision “may mean the people could be given access to the church, but it may not mean it will be assigned a priest.”

The End of the World is Not Terrifying


Following recent prediction of the end of the world by a religious group from Oakland, California, Archbishop Hipolito Reyes Larios of Xalapa, Mexico, addressed this topic in his homily on May 22. The Archbishop said: “The end of the world should not be considered something terrifying and horrible. “For us, the end of the world is the second coming of Christ,” the archbishop said. That moment will be “one of joy and strength. He will not come as a baby, but as goodness and glory to judge the living and the dead,” he added.

Diocese Opens Chapel Next to Abortion Clinic


The Diocese of Fargo has announced that it is opening a chapel next to North Dakota’s only abortion clinic. Mass, followed by Eucharistic adoration, will be offered at the chapel one day each week. “We believe prayer is so powerful, and what we’re engaged in is a spiritual battle,” said Rachelle Sauvageau, director of the diocese’s Respect Life Office. “It’s a place where we need an intense and focused prayer, and that’s why we feel the need to be right there.” She added: “There are a lot of people, especially the elderly who can’t stand outside.”

Pope Receives a Tiara


At yesterday’s general audience the Holy Father received a tiara. The tiara was made for him and presented to him in the name of Christian unity by Catholics and Orthodox. The tiara was commissioned by Dieter Philippi, a German Catholic businessman. Philippi has a great devotion to the papacy as well as to the call to Christian unity. The tiara was created in Sofia, Bulgaria by the Orthodox Liturgix studio. John Sonnen commented on his blog: “Congratulations to Dieter and to all German Catholics and Bulgarian Orthodox involved with this wonderful project. Ut Unum Sint!”
Holy Cannoli
The End of the World is Not Terrifying
The Archbishop said: “The end of the world should not be considered something terrifying and horrible. “
Of course, as followers of Christ we have hope. Yet, how wonderful it would be if Cathoilcs (especially clerics) actually read and used direct quotes from the Scriptures.
The End of the World is Not Terrifying


The Archbishop said: “The end of the world should not be considered something terrifying and horrible. “

Of course, as followers of Christ we have hope. Yet, how wonderful it would be if Cathoilcs (especially clerics) actually read and used direct quotes from the Scriptures.

Extraordinary perturbations of nature
The Scriptures clearly indicate that the judgment will be preceded by unwonted and terrifying disturbances of the physical universe (Matthew 24:29; Luke 21:25-26). The wars, pestilences, famines, and earthquakes foretold in Matthew 24:6 sq. are also understood by some writers as among the calamities of the last times.

The universal conflagration
In the Apostolic writings we are told that the end of the world will be brought about through a general conflagration, which, however, will not annihilate the present creation, but will change its form and appearance (2 Peter 3:10-13; cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:2; Apocalypse 3:3, and 16:15). Natural science shows the possibility of such a catastrophe being produced in the ordinary course of events, but theologians generally tend to believe that its origin will be entirely miraculous.


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