Pilgrimage: A Rediscovery of Catholic Tradition In 1998, a great pilgrimage was organized to Rome to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ecclesia Dei and of the founding of the Priestly Fraternity of St …More
Pilgrimage: A Rediscovery of Catholic Tradition
In 1998, a great pilgrimage was organized to Rome to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ecclesia Dei and of the founding of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. An excellent video documentary was made and put out on VCR (remember that?), but it has never been released in digital format -- until now. Watching it today is a walk down memory lane, as we see Cardinal Ratzinger expounding on his vision for what would become, in 2007, Summorum Pontificum, and watch footage of pontifical Masses when they were still very rare. Bittersweet, yet reminding us of how far we have come amidst great adversity.
"In 1998, a great pilgrimage was organized to Rome to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ecclesia Dei and of the founding of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter"
To celebrate their Stockholm Syndrome I suppose.
Ecclesia Dei was an outpour of scorn by the Assisi-Quran kissing Church of the New Advent on the Catholic liturgy, orthodox Catholic faith and traditional terms (like schism for example …More
"In 1998, a great pilgrimage was organized to Rome to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ecclesia Dei and of the founding of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter"
To celebrate their Stockholm Syndrome I suppose.
Ecclesia Dei was an outpour of scorn by the Assisi-Quran kissing Church of the New Advent on the Catholic liturgy, orthodox Catholic faith and traditional terms (like schism for example). For its author schismatics were "sister Churches" in the "imperfect communion" and Catholics defending their inherited rites of Sacraments and Faith were schismatics.
IMHO, motu proprio Ecclesia Dei was one of climaxes of mysterium iniquitatis of "post-conciliar times".
Few weeks ago I read that late Cardinal Siri convinced JPII to make such a strong condemnation.
Sean Johnson
They don’t get it.