
Fernández Wants To Replace John Paul II Morals

Tucho besame mucho Fernández, also known as “kissy”, offered an assessment of Veritatis Splendor VS (The Splendor of Truth), John Paul II’s 1993 encyclical on moral teaching. VS condemns "situational …More
Tucho besame mucho Fernández, also known as “kissy”, offered an assessment of Veritatis Splendor VS (The Splendor of Truth), John Paul II’s 1993 encyclical on moral teaching.
VS condemns "situational ethics", stating that some acts (e.g. abortion, homosexual acts, etc.) are intrinsically evil.
Tucho led PillarCatholic.com (July 17) to believe that VS is limited and therefore "not the most adequate text to encourage the development [= perversion] of theology.”
He believes that in the past something “went wrong” in terms of theological “development” because “there were controls” [which is the hallmark of Francis' tenure].
“Today perhaps, a text will be needed that, collecting everything valuable from Veritatis Splendor, has another style, another tone, which at the same time allows for encouraging the growth [= degradation] of Catholic theology, as Francis asks of me.”
Tucho is reinventing historic Protestantism, such as the Anglicans, Lutherans and others that have already applied Tucho's …More
Pt Murphy
Theology of the body does not have enough eroticism for this character.
It seems that so-called post-conciliarism revolves around kissing: Quran, feet of migrants / politicians or whatever.
PS AFAIR, the one and only kiss in the Gospel is the Judas Kiss.More
It seems that so-called post-conciliarism revolves around kissing: Quran, feet of migrants / politicians or whatever.

PS AFAIR, the one and only kiss in the Gospel is the Judas Kiss.
God’s morals. Anything else belongs to Satan.
Madness…utter and absolute madness.
Fr Dan
They are NOT john pauls morals, they are the moral teaching rooted explicitly in The Sacred Inerrant Word of God, and understood through the ages by the Church. They cannot be replaced.
Sandy Barrett
Let's wait for the strong intervention against Catholics. He said, “Obviously, if someone says that Jesus is not a real man or that all immigrants should be killed, that will require strong intervention!”
A perverted theological midget criticising a saintly theological giant. But remember, at the centre of the whole perverse sits Bergoglio.
Sandy Barrett
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Sandy Barrett