
Two Curia Cardinals Support Abolishing Summorum Pontificum

A draft document intending to restrict Benedict’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum is backed by at least two Vatican cardinals, RemnantNewspaper.com reports (June 1). Francis wants to publish it “soon …More
A draft document intending to restrict Benedict’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum is backed by at least two Vatican cardinals, RemnantNewspaper.com reports (June 1).
Francis wants to publish it “soon.” The two cardinals are Parolin (Secretary of State) and Ouellet (Bishops’ Congregation).
Ouellet is a Conservative who after the Viganò revelations 2018 went from being a Benedict partisan to being a Francis follower. St Maria in Traspontina where the Pachamama cult was enacted, is his titular church.
The draft document, currently in its third version, is under review at Cardinal Ladaria's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Ladaria has opposed the previous versions.
According to RemnantNewspaper, the measures against the Roman Rite will eventually be carried out by the Liturgy Congregation, i.e. by its under-secretary Aurelio García Marcías whom Francis only recently made a bishop.
The first draft of the document contained an introductory letter from Francis that was very harsh …More
alfred dunn
"Ouellet is a Conservative" means what? He most certainly is not a conservative.
Oh my goodness! o.O 2 out of 128! That's roughly 1.6%! Any word on the other 98.4%?
Dr Bobus
Ouillet is a conservative--but conservatives have been lukewarm at best about Summorum Pontificum. In fact, there have been many priests, bishops, and cardinals who like the Ratzinger defense of faith and morals but never have had much use for his liturgical opinions. They do not understand the relationship between liturgy and Catholic life, rhapsodizing over Vat II but ignoring SC n. 10.
They …More
Ouillet is a conservative--but conservatives have been lukewarm at best about Summorum Pontificum. In fact, there have been many priests, bishops, and cardinals who like the Ratzinger defense of faith and morals but never have had much use for his liturgical opinions. They do not understand the relationship between liturgy and Catholic life, rhapsodizing over Vat II but ignoring SC n. 10.

They want the Church of JPII: Strict Catholic sexual morals combined with Protestantized liturgy.
alfred dunn
The word conservative seems to have morphed into nonsense.
Dr Bobus
Not nonsense. They simply want to conserve what has existed for the past 35 years.
Summorum Pontificum cannot be " abolished" since it only told the truth .The truth cannot be abolished although they will work hard at an imitation . The ancient liturgy was never and can never be suppressed ,so we will have to see if there is any faith and courage in the clergy. If covid showed us anything about courage of the clergy we should start praying many rosaries.
alfred dunn
If you remember, it was suppressed for many years.
Dr Bobus
It was de facto suppressed but not de iure.