
500 British Clergy Say No to Francis

The prestigious British association "Confraternity of Catholic Clergy", representing over 500 clergy in England, Scotland and Wales, has issued a position paper against Francis' homosexualist scrawl …More
The prestigious British association "Confraternity of Catholic Clergy", representing over 500 clergy in England, Scotland and Wales, has issued a position paper against Francis' homosexualist scrawl "Fiducia Supplicans".
The priests explain to him that Catholic teaching is unchangeable. "On the basis of Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that 'homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered'".
They see "no situation in which a blessing of a couple could be properly and adequately distinguished from a certain degree of approval" and it would inevitably lead to scandal [and worse: blasphemy].
The practice of such "blessings" would confuse the doctrine of marriage and human sexuality. The priests conclude that "such blessings are pastorally and practically inadmissible".
Picture: Confraternity of Catholic Clergy © Tim Finigan, #newsGexeynufmb
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The more bishops and priests and religious Orders that oppose Pope Francis and his accomplices in the Vatican and elsewhere, the better.
Sally Dorman shares this
British Confraternity of Clergy: “We see no situation in which such a blessing of a couple could be properly & adequately distinguished from some level of approval [& it] would inevitably lead to scandal...We conclude that such blessings are pastorally & practically inadmissible”
Sally Dorman
“Pope Francis Did Not Just Authorize Priests to Bless Same-Sex Unions,” reads the National Catholic Register headline. True. Instead the Vatican signaled to priests that if they WANT to bless same-sex unions nobody will stop them. To priests who DON’T want to bless those unions, the message is that they shouldn’t be rigid. So…
Everyday for Life Canada
This is the pontificate of pastoral accompaniment?
English Catholic
@SonoftheChurch Don't hold your breath. See this 12 year old video from the LGBT activist Martin Pendergast youtube.com/watch?v=Ne5ELk9WYlE The group Pendergast co-founded has undergone a few name changes over the years (Roman Catholic Caucus of the Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement; Soho Masses Pastoral Council etc). It is now called Westminster LGBT Catholics. Cardinal Nichols has offered Mass …More
@SonoftheChurch Don't hold your breath. See this 12 year old video from the LGBT activist Martin Pendergast youtube.com/watch?v=Ne5ELk9WYlE The group Pendergast co-founded has undergone a few name changes over the years (Roman Catholic Caucus of the Lesbian & Gay Christian Movement; Soho Masses Pastoral Council etc). It is now called Westminster LGBT Catholics. Cardinal Nichols has offered Mass for them on more than one occasion. He also hoped similar 'gay' Masses could be rolled out throughout the Church: Cardinal hopes gay Masses can be rolled out throughout Church
So......Where is the official response from their Episcopal Conferences? We need to hear an emphatic and unequivocal rejection of the damnable Declaration by British Bishops in order for this statement from a clerical organization to have any significant meaning or impact. Where, pray tell, do the Bishops stand? With Christ and His unchangeable Church or with Prefect Kissy-Pooh and his vile gang of …More
So......Where is the official response from their Episcopal Conferences? We need to hear an emphatic and unequivocal rejection of the damnable Declaration by British Bishops in order for this statement from a clerical organization to have any significant meaning or impact. Where, pray tell, do the Bishops stand? With Christ and His unchangeable Church or with Prefect Kissy-Pooh and his vile gang of unclean, sodomy-loving, heretical apostates, whose blasphemous vomit spewed from the darkest pit of hell's abyss is wreaking havoc throughout the whole Church and the entire world with Papal consent and approval. Now is not the time to be silent or mealy-mouthed. The BISHOPS in Britain must SPEAK.
English Catholic
God bless them.
@Liam Ronan ….and Chest Hairs.🤣🤣