
Abuse Hoax: Boston Globe Rejects Request for Data Used for Sham Article

A Boston Globe front-page story alleged on November 4 that according to a study more than 130 U.S. bishops were accused of “failing to adequately respond to sexual misconduct in their dioceses.”

The story garnered national U.S. headlines.

Bill Donohue, the president of the New York based Catholic League, asked the newspaper to examine the raw data in order to verify the study. But the Boston Globe refused.

Donohue commented on CatholicLeague.org (December 6), "The same newspaper that insists on total transparency on the part of the bishops — they must allow full disclosure of their internal data — will not make public its data on the bishops."

Over the years, the Catholic League has shown many of those the Church-suing lawyers and professional victims’ advocates [like the Boston Globe] to be "liars".

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-SA, #newsOhnilktogh
Holy Cannoli
@limey twit writes:
GTV is a haven for nutters like yourself to splatter comments throughout that aren’t Catholic at all...

Actually, little man, it is you who are the nutter of all nutters at this internet site. You prove this by neglecting to respond substantively to the comments I made, but, like a child, you simply lash out which once again displays your own immaturity, arrogance and negativity. 😜More
@limey twit writes:
GTV is a haven for nutters like yourself to splatter comments throughout that aren’t Catholic at all...

Actually, little man, it is you who are the nutter of all nutters at this internet site. You prove this by neglecting to respond substantively to the comments I made, but, like a child, you simply lash out which once again displays your own immaturity, arrogance and negativity. 😜
The relevant points in Donahue’s piece:
We chose not to publish the spreadsheet because the point of our exercise was not to fault individual bishops,” Allen wrote. “Instead, we were demonstrating the widespread lack of accountability in the church hierarchy.”
This is pure rubbish. If the point was not to “fault individual bishops,” why did the news story feature the photos of four bishops on the front page (three of whom were arguably innocent). And even if the point was to show lack of accountability, what does that have to do with my request to see the raw data?

Care to comment, Einstein? 👏
Holy Cannoli
@limey twit
I thought rather naively that there might be some things posted here by GTV without your nihil obstat. But by placing a like on the idiotic comment below suggesting that child abuse is a hoax and an exaggeration you clearly show that you believe it’s a hoax. Shame on you Father. You have lost my respect.

Read the article referenced, you simple minded …More
@limey twit
I thought rather naively that there might be some things posted here by GTV without your nihil obstat. But by placing a like on the idiotic comment below suggesting that child abuse is a hoax and an exaggeration you clearly show that you believe it’s a hoax. Shame on you Father. You have lost my respect.


Read the article referenced, you simple minded twit. If you had taken the time and made the effort to do so, you would have seen the truth in the article as posted by Gloria.tv. The article from Gloria indeed reflects the cunning and duplicity of the Boston Globe in their refusal to give raw data for their assertion to Donahue. That raw data could easily have substantiated their assertions if those assertions were true.

The relevant points in Donahue’s piece:
We chose not to publish the spreadsheet because the point of our exercise was not to fault individual bishops,” Allen wrote. “Instead, we were demonstrating the widespread lack of accountability in the church hierarchy.”
This is pure rubbish. If the point was not to “fault individual bishops,” why did the news story feature the photos of four bishops on the front page (three of whom were arguably innocent). And even if the point was to show lack of accountability, what does that have to do with my request to see the raw data?


As for you little boy, your posts have a certain distinct ‘flavor’ to them. They reek of negativity, immaturity, vulgarity and an overall hostility to Catholic clergy, Catholic news sources, Gloria.tv and now, manifesting the height of disrespect and arrogance, you impugn the founder of Gloria.tv itself. "Shame on you Father. You have lost my respect."

This is not the first time you have unfairly been critical of GTV, but your posts reveal your nature. That nature is of an individual who is continually angry at anything in the Catholic world which even includes this website and its founder.

If you do not approve of the articles that are posted on Gloria.tv, if you do not approve of the posters and if you do not respect the founder of this site, there is NO REASON to remain here. Go to one of your limey safe spaces and grace them with your illustrious presence and non-stop negativity. You don't belong here.
Bishops have all to get together and speak up against all the bad vices that is present in the clergy ,even if it hearts you ,but you will gain heaven . Other wise the sheep will not follow you the sheppards ,becasuse we dont trust you , and we will pray to God to come and help us clean our mess and make the church more transparente , enough of this lying and money wasting ,and false doctrine and mercy