
Gänswein: Back to the Seminary

Archbishop Gänswein, 66, for whom merciful Francis has no use, will move from the Vatican to the Collegium Borromaeum, the seminary of Freiburg Archdiocese where he has lived as a seminarian before being ordained a priest.

About 40 seminarians live in the huge building. Gänswein will not be teaching, as Germany has handed over the training of priests to state theologians, who are obliged to proclaim the regime's ideology and must retire at 65.

During his years in Rome, Gänswein also received a salary from his archdiocese. In Germany, he can help out in parishes and give talks when invited.

Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsAiqiqptqbw

Wilma Lopez shares this
With Georg Gänswein returning to his home diocese, Freiburg will have two archbishops
He is participating in the hermeneutic of continuity!