
Empty Novus Ordo Produces Suicides among Priests

Father Giovanni Cucci writes in La Civiltà Cattolica (June 17) that there has been an “impressive increase” in suicides among priests in Brazil. 17 priests killed themselves in 2018, and 10 more in 2021.

A French priest participating in Cucci's survey, "confessed that he was not the shepherd with the smell of the sheep, but with the smell of petrol” – because he spends long hours in the car driving to his parishes.

Many Novus Ordo priests feel that they provide aseptic services to indifferent faithful.

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsEyshlzxyhv

Jan Joseph
Novus Ordo Heilige Missen zijn Protestante kerkdiensten waar alleen nog 60 plussers komen. Door de combinatie van een inhoudloze geloof en de leeftijd neemt het aantal deelnemers, gelovigen, gelukkig met ca. 10% per jaar af. Normaal gesproken zou dit geloof over 10 jaar zijn uitgestorven, maar door de grote hoeveelheid geld door de verkoop van onroerend goed zal dit geloof het nog 20 jaar volhouden …More
Novus Ordo Heilige Missen zijn Protestante kerkdiensten waar alleen nog 60 plussers komen. Door de combinatie van een inhoudloze geloof en de leeftijd neemt het aantal deelnemers, gelovigen, gelukkig met ca. 10% per jaar af. Normaal gesproken zou dit geloof over 10 jaar zijn uitgestorven, maar door de grote hoeveelheid geld door de verkoop van onroerend goed zal dit geloof het nog 20 jaar volhouden. Net als bij de Protestanten gaan ze straks de gelovigen betalen met koffie, gebak, borrel en eten om naar de kerk te komen. Maar gelukkig het aantal gelovigen die het Traditionele Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden is snel groeiende. Over minder dan 20 jaar is dit nog het enige Rooms Katholieke geloof.
chris griffin
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Benedict XVI was a mediocre theologian and a mediocre Pope.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@chris griffin -I agree Benedict XVI was a mediocre Pope, but only for three reasons. 1). He was too much of a gentleman, and was too timid to confront heretics and dissidents. He did so under JPII, but couldn't really do it as forcefully as Pope. He wanted people to like him, and that was a mistake. 2) Probably because he was there and participated, he still supported Vatican II, even though it …More
@chris griffin -I agree Benedict XVI was a mediocre Pope, but only for three reasons. 1). He was too much of a gentleman, and was too timid to confront heretics and dissidents. He did so under JPII, but couldn't really do it as forcefully as Pope. He wanted people to like him, and that was a mistake. 2) Probably because he was there and participated, he still supported Vatican II, even though it was/is a disaster for the Church. 3). This referrs to #1 in some ways- He was too trusting and wanted to see the good in people, rather than recognize the filth that had made his Pontificate miserable. He would not remove those who were doing this....like Bertone, Sodano, etc. And he didn't like to be the enforcer/God's rotweiler. Rather than confrot the rot in the Vatican, revealed in a report he comissioned himself, he chose to resign. That was cowardly.
But he will be remembered for far more good things than the negative faults I mentioned, especially for his monumental Summorum Pontificum....which Bergoglio tried and failed to destroy.....and if he tries to go after tradition again, he'll be gone really fast.
As an aside......Francis might be gone sooner than we think......he has respiratory failure which is no joking matter.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Whoever becomes Pope after this apostate heretic Bergoglio leaves the scene, I don't think it'll get worse. Unless these Cardinals are totally evil, (not all of them I hope), we'll get a Catholic. Not a "traditionalist", but someone similar to Benedict XVI who loves/acknowledges Catholic tradition, and allows for its wide expression, mandated, not just allowed for. I also think that MOST priests (…More
Whoever becomes Pope after this apostate heretic Bergoglio leaves the scene, I don't think it'll get worse. Unless these Cardinals are totally evil, (not all of them I hope), we'll get a Catholic. Not a "traditionalist", but someone similar to Benedict XVI who loves/acknowledges Catholic tradition, and allows for its wide expression, mandated, not just allowed for. I also think that MOST priests (except the ones in Bergoglio's age bracket and maybe 10 years younger), will be secretly thrilled that Bergoglio is gone....as will 90% of faithful Catholics.
But the damage Bergoglio has done will take more than 1 GOOD
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
-Sorry I didn't fihish the line 😊. I meant to say I think it'll take more than 1 GOOD pontificate to undo all the corruption and heresy brought in by Bergoglio. Maybe in 50 years, we'll be back to being faithful Catholics. At 28, I hope I see it......but I feel sorry for those in their 50's-60's and 70's.
Sal Venegas
We need someone to restore Catholic Tradition, not just to acknowledge it. Simply acknowledging tradition does nothing to correct the church. We need a "traditionalist" to correct it but I think there is zero chance that these Cardinals would select someone like that.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Sal Venegas -Not likely, but we might all be pleasantly surprised with whom we get. As of today, Bergoglio is having another health crisis, respiratory/breathing difficulty so that he canceled speeches/audiences. Bergoglio said it was from his anesthesia, but I asked my uncle this AM who is a doctor. He said that's not likely, because one is not fine one day( like Bergoglio was earlier in the week …More
@Sal Venegas -Not likely, but we might all be pleasantly surprised with whom we get. As of today, Bergoglio is having another health crisis, respiratory/breathing difficulty so that he canceled speeches/audiences. Bergoglio said it was from his anesthesia, but I asked my uncle this AM who is a doctor. He said that's not likely, because one is not fine one day( like Bergoglio was earlier in the week), and suffers severely compromised breathing the next day due to anesthesia. He said if it was from the anesthesia, it would be a continuous issue needing treatment, not fine one day and out of breath the next. I'm not good at medical terms, I don't remember alot of what my Uncle texted, but he said it's possible Bergoglio/aka Francis has a complication...perhaps from the strain of having surgery, but not from the anesthesia at this late date. Doesn't look especially promising for Francis.
Malki Tzedek
Now, that seems like a genuine crisis to me, rather the lame fixations the synodality types have been wallowing in.