Bishop Strickland : "...many of the shepherds who are charged with guarding the flock are now in league …

Jesus Christ is the fullness of the revelation of supernatural truth that guides humanity to our eternal destiny. He is the cornerstone on which our lives must be built because, as He reveals supernatural …More
Jesus Christ is the fullness of the revelation of supernatural truth that guides humanity to our eternal destiny. He is the cornerstone on which our lives must be built because, as He reveals supernatural truth to us fully and completely, He reveals who we are and that for which we were created. Jesus commissioned His Apostles to share His supernatural truth with the world, and this is also our mission. If we recognize and embrace this mission, bringing this truth to humanity, then we must acknowledge that, after nearly 2,000 years, we have only just begun. When Christ prayed “that all may be one,” He prayed that all humanity might be unified in Him, thus bringing them also into unity with His Father and His Holy Spirit – one God in Three Persons.
The entire Judeo-Christian story (which begins with the supernatural truth revealed and recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament) is the story of God revealing supernatural truth to those created in His image and likeness. The …More
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And who is the leader of that pack of wolves?!