
No Faith, No Money: Vatican Finances Are Facing “Very Uncertain” Future

Jesuit Father Guerrero Alves, prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, has talked to VaticanNews.va about Vatican finances. Highlights. • The 2021 budget deficit, including 92 entities, amounts only …More
Jesuit Father Guerrero Alves, prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, has talked to VaticanNews.va about Vatican finances. Highlights.
• The 2021 budget deficit, including 92 entities, amounts only to €3M [expected: 33M] but Vatican’s assets erode by 20-25 million each year to pay for the Curia.
• The Governorate (museums, gendarmerie, real estate inside the Vatican) and Ior (Vatican Bank) are not included in the budget.
• There is an operating ordinary deficit of €62M which only the good 2021 financial results mitigated leaving a €3M deficit.
• Revenues continue to fall.
• The Tribunal of the Rota went from being self-financing to being in deficit once Francis decided to make its [dysfunctional] services free.
• The Vatican’s Bambino Gesù Hospital has a larger budget than the Roman Curia but is sane while the Vatican’s Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza in San Giovanni Rotondo is in deep financial troubles.
• The Vatican’s Pension Fund is not being sufficiently endowing to meet its …More
Tony M
Bergoglio is attempting to destroy the Church in every way he can dream up. Maybe the financial destruction of the Church is very much part of his and his masonic mates' plan!!!!
Rand Miller
Anyone want to support these demons?
they can asked homosexuals and masons to give them some money. They r pretty rich
GJA Taylor
Taking the Peter's Pence money to pay for the Elton John movie was not of Francis' doing, he is so humble and he only defended that spending of the Peter's Pence money (collected every year from all Catholic parishes in the world for the poor) because holy and humble Francis thought it was a film about prayer, so stop always criticising Francis as he has a smaller car as he really is holy and humble …More
Taking the Peter's Pence money to pay for the Elton John movie was not of Francis' doing, he is so humble and he only defended that spending of the Peter's Pence money (collected every year from all Catholic parishes in the world for the poor) because holy and humble Francis thought it was a film about prayer, so stop always criticising Francis as he has a smaller car as he really is holy and humble unlike most of you critics who probably have bigger cars.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis deserves to be trhown out of the Vatican on his Pontifical ass for heresy, and his associates likewise for also sodomy.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is GREAT NEWS. iT Shows that beloved Holy Father Francis is NOT so beloved afterall, nor is his priorities, his Synodal agenda, and his persecution of faithful Catholics and the LAtin Mass. His hatred for Catholic tradition and the Mass is the biggest reason for this financial crisis, and I hope that it becomes a catastrophe for the heretic Francis Vatican. The situation will only improve when …More
This is GREAT NEWS. iT Shows that beloved Holy Father Francis is NOT so beloved afterall, nor is his priorities, his Synodal agenda, and his persecution of faithful Catholics and the LAtin Mass. His hatred for Catholic tradition and the Mass is the biggest reason for this financial crisis, and I hope that it becomes a catastrophe for the heretic Francis Vatican. The situation will only improve when we get a traditional, or at least very friendly to tradition Catholic pope who gives world wide free access for the Latin Mass, and encourages cloistered life instead of trying to destroy it, is 100% pro-life and Catholic morality, instead of praising sodomy and homosexuals, etc. Then the situation will improve....with Francis and his heretic thugs gone, literally overnight.
Malki Tzedek
The co$t of here$y is 'damned' $teep. Ka-ching!