
Next Cardinal Wants Homosex Blessings

Anti-Catholic Mechelen-Brussels Cardinal Jozef De Kesel, Belgium, has embarked on an emotion trip asking on Standaard.be (April 3) how many people got “hurt” by the Vatican’s prohibition of homosex "blessings."

Many people get "hurt" by De Kesel's rampant Anti-Catholicism but he doesn't care. De Kesel started philosophising about homosexuals “who try to live a life with their partner in faithful love” and according to an "orientation" that "they have not chosen.” The same he could say about any sexual perversion.

Already in May 2018, De Kesel asked for homosex "blessings" calling on the Church to "respect" homosex which however, according to Church's infallible teaching is sin.

Not surprisingly, last year one single priest was ordained for the 1,8 million Catholics Mechelen-Brussels Archdiocese.


Defeat Modernism
Is that the Cardinal of Sodom & Gomorrah? Is he a sodomite too?
Dr Bobus
For good reason it is said that in Northern Europe everything changes except the bread and the wine.
Most cardinals are lavanda. This is one of them.
If they fight over such a base subject it shows you how evil the modernist Vatican 2 Church became!