
Traditionis Custodes Was Yesterday: Cardinal Burke Celebrates Live-Streamed Roman Mass

Cardinal Raymond Burke is back in Italy and will - as an example for everybody - offer the Roman Mass in his private chapel in Rome on January 1 to open the New Year.

Catholic Action will livestream the holy mystery on their social media channels. Burke is still recovering from a Covid infection.


That's odd. @philosopher the FSSP and ICKSP don't have to say the New Mass and they have full faculties. Funny thing. ;-)
True, for now, but it remains to be seen what the Fraternity will do when PF's Motu Proprio begins to be enforced.
The SSPX's position is that Vatican II is valid but their questions on just how the particular documents on ecumenism and collegiality that seemingly contradict the Universal magisterium and the Council of Trent have never been answered in the last 50 years. All they are told is, well, it doesn't need explanation, but just agree that it is in continuity with Tradition, be willing to say the new mass …More
The SSPX's position is that Vatican II is valid but their questions on just how the particular documents on ecumenism and collegiality that seemingly contradict the Universal magisterium and the Council of Trent have never been answered in the last 50 years. All they are told is, well, it doesn't need explanation, but just agree that it is in continuity with Tradition, be willing to say the new mass, accept the new theology and you can have your Latin Mass and full faculties.
Indeed. Rome refuses to explain because doing so would require the open acknowledgement of rupture.
Archbishop Alexander Sample, made the following remarks about the restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass (paraphrased): "The Holy Father is very concerned about divisions in the Church, especially schismatics and sedevacantists who think V2 is invalid, and the office of the papacy is vacant. Because the faithful in our diocese who love the TLM are not like that, I will allow the TLM to be …More
Archbishop Alexander Sample, made the following remarks about the restrictions on the Traditional Latin Mass (paraphrased): "The Holy Father is very concerned about divisions in the Church, especially schismatics and sedevacantists who think V2 is invalid, and the office of the papacy is vacant. Because the faithful in our diocese who love the TLM are not like that, I will allow the TLM to be celebrated without restrictions." He notes that he has discussed this with other bishops.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Sample is a great Archbishop. If we had a real Catholic Pope, he probably would be a Cardinal by now, as would the Patriarch of Venice, Italy, and some other good Archbishops whom Bergoglio/aka Francis has snubbed in his recent consistories, the latest (and hopefully last), in 2020.
God Bless Cardinal Burke. I hope the Lord blesses him with restored health and strength and courage, to celebrate the …More
Sample is a great Archbishop. If we had a real Catholic Pope, he probably would be a Cardinal by now, as would the Patriarch of Venice, Italy, and some other good Archbishops whom Bergoglio/aka Francis has snubbed in his recent consistories, the latest (and hopefully last), in 2020.
God Bless Cardinal Burke. I hope the Lord blesses him with restored health and strength and courage, to celebrate the Roman Rite Mass (Tridentine Latin Mass) both in his beautiful private Chapel, and around the world. More bishops than I thought possible (considering that this is after all the post-Vatican II/Novus Ordo church in general), are standing up against Francis and his unjust dictates against the Latin Mass. Traditional religious Orders are likewise basically telling him and his lackey Archbishop Roche where they can go with their "Traditiones Custodes". God bless them all, more power to them, and pray that many more join their cause!
Jeffrey Ade
How generous of Bishop Sample to condescend to allow the Mass of all time to Catholics. He sounds like an oriental despot! And the drivel "the Holy Father is very concerned" gag me with a spoon! These "Holy Father" despots are doing everything within their power to divide what is left of the Catholic remnant from Rome, ostracize us and then well ....take a serious look at what happened to St. Elmo …More
How generous of Bishop Sample to condescend to allow the Mass of all time to Catholics. He sounds like an oriental despot! And the drivel "the Holy Father is very concerned" gag me with a spoon! These "Holy Father" despots are doing everything within their power to divide what is left of the Catholic remnant from Rome, ostracize us and then well ....take a serious look at what happened to St. Elmo in 1565! It is coming around again! Oh and by the way, Fr. Heidt resisted the modernist bishop of Portland for years! God bless his soul!