
Bishop Schneider Lists the Errors in Vatican II

Bishop Athanasius Schneider believes that most of the Vatican II texts are "good," but concedes that some are "ambiguous" but interpretable [in whatever direction one wants], and few downright erroneous as “also Archbishop Lefebvre” (+1991) pointed out.

He told Taylor Marshall (July 26) that the first part of Sacrosanctum Concilium on the liturgy is “really good,” while the second part calls for a revision of the liturgical books. This implies a condemnation of the rites as they were celebrated for millenniums, Schneider explains, “This is revolutionary.”

He qualifies the statements in Lumen Gentium 16 and Nostra Aetate 3 which claim that Catholics and Muslims “adore” the same God as erroneous.

Schneider explains that Catholics adore God with a supernatural act, in Spirit and Truth which is substantially different from Moslems adoring the one existing God by a natural act.

Finally, Schneider criticises the understanding of religious freedom in Dignitatis Humanae 2 which assumes that there is a natural right – willed by God – to perform idolatry.

This error is for Schneider at the root of John Paul II’s inter-religious Assisi meetings (1986), the Abu Dhabi document (2019), and Francis' Pachamama cult (2019).


F M Shyanguya
Dr Bobus
According to Romans 1:19. the First Vatican Council, and St Thomas Aquinas, the existence of God can be known by reason alone. In so far as we adore Truth, it can be said that without grace we can adore the existence of God.
Grace, however, perfects nature. Thus with the help of grace man can know and adore God more perfectly than before.More
According to Romans 1:19. the First Vatican Council, and St Thomas Aquinas, the existence of God can be known by reason alone. In so far as we adore Truth, it can be said that without grace we can adore the existence of God.

Grace, however, perfects nature. Thus with the help of grace man can know and adore God more perfectly than before.
We certainly need Holy Communion, however, take courage, Bishop Schneider and many other Catholics behind the Iron Curtain were unable to assist at Mass and receive the Sacraments for years, yet he became a Bishop and a very important voice for the Catholic Church.
God Bless Bishop Schneider.
Be Ye Separate
Bishop Marcel Lefebvre informed us Catholics, that a group of subversive bishops manipulated the V2 council. Their ambiguous-deceiving document about other religions, Nostra Aetate, falsely promotes that Hindus , "... flight to God with love and trust."
Hindus do not believe in God, they are pagans who believe in numerous false gods, some are: vishnu, brahma, krishna, kali, saraswati...
Some Hindus …More
Bishop Marcel Lefebvre informed us Catholics, that a group of subversive bishops manipulated the V2 council. Their ambiguous-deceiving document about other religions, Nostra Aetate, falsely promotes that Hindus , "... flight to God with love and trust."
Hindus do not believe in God, they are pagans who believe in numerous false gods, some are: vishnu, brahma, krishna, kali, saraswati...
Some Hindus even select a young girl from among themselves and dress her up, then carry her from town to town, worshipping her. The girl is called a Kumari, a goddess.
Previous to V2, our Church leaders did not compliment pagan worship or the murderous Muhammadans. We worked to convert them.
One Christ, One Truth, One Faith, One True Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.
"Bishop Marcel Lefebvre informed us Catholics..." @Be Ye Stupid
Bishop Marcel Lefebre was excommunicated in accordance with the Canon Law of the Catholic Church. That speaks volumes about his ability to follow the teachings of the Church or his "authority" on their validity.
Who's next for you, @Be Ye Stupid . Gonna quote Martin Luther as he "informed us Catholics"? Kudos on using the proper …More
"Bishop Marcel Lefebvre informed us Catholics..." @Be Ye Stupid

Bishop Marcel Lefebre was excommunicated in accordance with the Canon Law of the Catholic Church. That speaks volumes about his ability to follow the teachings of the Church or his "authority" on their validity.

Who's next for you, @Be Ye Stupid . Gonna quote Martin Luther as he "informed us Catholics"? Kudos on using the proper objective case "us". Seems you had somebody proof-read your grammar this time.

No surprises you're trotting out your stalking horse about the "Hindus". You did the same stunt yesterday, for the same reason. Here's what's really bugging you.

=The Church reproves, as foreign to the mind of Christ, any discrimination against men or harassment of them because of their race, color, condition of life, or religion.=

Bishoph Schneider did not denounce Nostra Aetate in full and he did not denounce or even "qualify" that statement within it. Fact. You are trying to conflate a qualification of one point with a denunciation of the entire proclamation which he did not do.

You are, almost certainly deliberately, making a fallacy of composition

Easy to understand why (partial copy-pasta)

Nostra Aetate formally refutes the cross-eyed view of The Church's teachings used by "Catholic" bigots like E. Michael Jones and his pathetic fanboys.

An official proclamation of the Catholic Church directy reproves every miserable nut-job trying to pervert the Church into a religious vehicle for their anti-Semitism or other pet bigotries..

Everything else is re-hash of your same spiel yesterday.

"Nostra Aetate, falsely promotes that Hindus , "... flight to God with love and trust."

If they choose to convert, then Nostra Aetate speaks truly. Until they are formally received into the Church, they are still technically Hindu. You never considered that, nit-wit. :D

"Previous to V2, our Church leaders did not compliment pagan worship or the murderous Muhammadans. We worked to convert them."

Previous to V2 Bishop Lefebvre would have been held in communicado somewhere, subjected to a brutal life of "prayer and penance" for defying Canon Law so flagrantly.

Glaringly obvious is the "conversion work" guys like you have done to other religions, eh? Talmudic ones, perhaps, hmmmmm? ;-)

That isn't an inference on my part, either. Not when you're still running your fake-Catholic re-write of Adolph Hitler's slogan.

Trying to "Catholicize" Hitler betrays the real "work" you'd like to do for conversion, eh? Reprint from you? Reprint from me...

You are twisting the Four Marks Of The Church into a three-point re-write of Adolph Hitler's famous slogan.

"One People, One Kingdom, One Leader."
"One Christ, One Faith, One Apostolic Catholic Church"

Your fascist fake-Catholic fantasies are easy to recognize..(inb4 Godwin's Law gets misapplied)

You're not good enough to translate your slogan into German are you? Fascism always sounds better in German, doesn't it? It's a harsh sounding language and perfect for barking slogans while burning synagogues. "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!" Looks gorgeous on posters, too. Example 1.) Example 2.) Example 3)
Tomas Urik
Faith grows by receiving holy communion without holy communion christians are dead. Their faith is dead!😢
Schneider also said that Communion in the hand is “directly desecrating” the Lord. Everyone can see that little particles are lost and fall down on the floor. Schneider calls this a common experience of every priest: at the end of Holy Mass there are some particles on the paten. He sees this very often himself.
The practice of Communion on the hand leads people to lose the faith in the Eucharist.…More
Schneider also said that Communion in the hand is “directly desecrating” the Lord. Everyone can see that little particles are lost and fall down on the floor. Schneider calls this a common experience of every priest: at the end of Holy Mass there are some particles on the paten. He sees this very often himself.

The practice of Communion on the hand leads people to lose the faith in the Eucharist. The law of the Faith is contradicted by the law of the prayer/ the rite. After decades of this practice, the faith is already disappeared.
Pretty much everything Archbishop Lefebvre has always said.