
Solesmes Abbot Defends Liturgical Confusion, Attacks Fraternity of Saint Peter

Dom Geoffroy Kemlin, 43, the new abbot of the famous Solesmes Monastery, France, does “understand” Traditionis Custodes (FamilleChretienne.fr, May 30). Solesmes is Novus Ordo but experiences a strong …More
Dom Geoffroy Kemlin, 43, the new abbot of the famous Solesmes Monastery, France, does “understand” Traditionis Custodes (FamilleChretienne.fr, May 30).
Solesmes is Novus Ordo but experiences a strong competition from Roman Rite monasteries. According to Kemlin, Francis' TD wants to remember "the unity of the liturgy in the Church.” Kemlin cannot not know that the Novus Ordo is precisely destroying this "unity."
Kemlin agrees with Francis that “under the pretext of being able to choose the liturgical form, we could choose in the magisterium and leave aside the Second Vatican Council.” But to choose and manipulate the liturgical form is the essence of the Novus Ordo.
As a consequence, Kemlin attacks Francis ("I understood less") for having "allowed" the Fraternity St Peter to continue with the Roman Rite, "This decision seems to mean that there are two separate Churches: one that celebrates in the renewed form and another with groups that use the ancient form.”
Interestingly, Kemlin …More
"the new abbot..."
The right man in the right place.
"This decision seems to mean that there are two separate Churches: one that celebrates in the renewed form and another with groups that use the ancient form"
That's it. One Church is in the unity with Catholics and Church Triumphant of all ages and the second one - with less than 60 year old "renewal".More
"the new abbot..."
The right man in the right place.

"This decision seems to mean that there are two separate Churches: one that celebrates in the renewed form and another with groups that use the ancient form"
That's it. One Church is in the unity with Catholics and Church Triumphant of all ages and the second one - with less than 60 year old "renewal".
We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening a mob with the news that grass is green.