Spiegel.TV gets violent. Hendrik Vöhringer from Spiegel.tv attempted on Sunday to attack Gloria.TV. But he got himself into serious troubles.More
Spiegel.TV gets violent.
Hendrik Vöhringer from Spiegel.tv attempted on Sunday to attack Gloria.TV. But he got himself into serious troubles.
Peter Franks
My god: I am swiss and I am speachless, you ultra conservative catholics are so ignorant. Mr. Vöringer has done an excellent job. Thanks to him and to the team for making such a great documentary. I see now that it is even more problematic with you. Shame on you golria.tv comparing him and his team to nazis... SHAME ON YOU
So much the better. Spiegel TV doesn't realize negative advertising is still advertizing AND it is particularly attractive to the curious. Rushdie's "Satanic Verses" would have been entirely forgettable if not for the Muslim world's fury over how their "Prophet" was depicted.
There are some people pointed themselvesas as Catholics in order to reach their own goal ,that has nothing common with ouer faith and Catholic Tradition.The goal is follow-up the New Age !
Ouh, wait. I'm still on. So, please accept my apologies English site!
Ya, again very revealing. Statements about queer dog excrement = substantive response.
Apparently they favour mentally imbalanced hooligans over reasonable debaters on the English site.
Ok then, buddy >> badabing badabang badabooooom!
Uncle Joe
Yours is the predictable response that deals not with the very clear points that defended Catholic teaching made in my post. Instead, you respond with nothing more than an ad hominem personal attack.
This demonstrates quite clearly that you are a loser with a weak intellect lacking the skill and the talent to respond substantively to a post.
By the way, I understand that you have been prohibited …More
Yours is the predictable response that deals not with the very clear points that defended Catholic teaching made in my post. Instead, you respond with nothing more than an ad hominem personal attack.

This demonstrates quite clearly that you are a loser with a weak intellect lacking the skill and the talent to respond substantively to a post.

By the way, I understand that you have been prohibited from posting on English news articles. It's no loss for Gloria.tv. Simply one less piece of queer dog excrement to deal with.

I'm done with you. Go to the German board where they are more likely to put up with your idiocy.
Hey Uncle Joe,
Your profile picture reveals where you are coming from....
No further comments required.
Your pretentious statements about the rights and wrongs of marriage, priesthood and homosexuality show that you have little to no understanding of Jesus Christ's teachings. A much more serious disorder is righteousness, and who is or is not eternally damned is thankfully not your decision.
Uncle Joe
radical views of Gloria TV
Radical views such as support for innocent life in the womb?
Radical views such as support for traditional marriage (one man/one woman)?
Radical views such as support for the infallible Catholic teaching that only men can be ordained priests?
Radical views such as homosexuality activity being a serious disorder that can lead to eternal damnation?
You and your girly-man …More
radical views of Gloria TV

Radical views such as support for innocent life in the womb?
Radical views such as support for traditional marriage (one man/one woman)?
Radical views such as support for the infallible Catholic teaching that only men can be ordained priests?
Radical views such as homosexuality activity being a serious disorder that can lead to eternal damnation?

You and your girly-man pals fool no one, Hendrick. Go back to your cynically anti-American, anti-Israel, hate-mongering disgrace of a magazine and your anti-Semitic boss at Der Spiegel.
Gloria TV is obviously an organ of an extremist current within the catholic church.
Different opinions are being suppressed, posts that do not support the radical views of Gloria TV and its supporters are deleted and posters are evicted from the community.
Instead of spreading the gospel and Christ's love and mercy it provides a forum for religious zealots who promote and stir hatred for different …More
Gloria TV is obviously an organ of an extremist current within the catholic church.
Different opinions are being suppressed, posts that do not support the radical views of Gloria TV and its supporters are deleted and posters are evicted from the community.
Instead of spreading the gospel and Christ's love and mercy it provides a forum for religious zealots who promote and stir hatred for different believes and even launch smear campaigns against bishops and cardinals appointed by the representative of Christ on earth.
Shame on you! You should humbly repent and ask forgiveness from the catholic church, as you soil its image and accelerate its demise....
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
There are several posters (recently registered) who are obviously linked to either Spiegel.tv or the pro-abortion/pro-homosex pseudo "journalist" Hendrik Vöhringer.
Their agenda is clear by the praise given to the boorish Vöhringer or by their criticism of Gloria.tv. It would be wise to avoid responding to these frauds since their posts will be summarily deleted.More
There are several posters (recently registered) who are obviously linked to either Spiegel.tv or the pro-abortion/pro-homosex pseudo "journalist" Hendrik Vöhringer.

Their agenda is clear by the praise given to the boorish Vöhringer or by their criticism of Gloria.tv. It would be wise to avoid responding to these frauds since their posts will be summarily deleted.
German goons is exactly what they are! They don't like it when they get a taste of their own! Go tell your German bishops they need to Repent for their promotion of aborting innocent babies! Pope Francis, will hopefully, do something with these German bishops!
Für die Liebe des Himmels, this guy Vöhringer is a real blödmann.
As they say in Germany, he has a bird in his head! 👌
Doina shares this
German Spiegel.tv harasses International Gloria.tv.
German Spiegel.tv harasses International Gloria.tv.

Very revealing: The German morning-after-pill-bishops have powerful friends among those who do not like the Church.
Very revealing: The German morning-after-pill-bishops have powerful friends among those who do not like the Church.

Indeed, it's not a bad idea for the next time, that Gloria.TV uses some connections of Uncle Joe. 👍
Perhaps, they could make an offer, Herr Voeringer could not refuse. 😲 😲 😲
Is this a message of the Sicilian mafia to Voehringer? I am surprised about the contacts Gloria.TV has. 😎
Uncle Joe
That guy even looks like a twit...I'll pray for him. Gotta love those northern European "intellectuals"