
Suspected Concubinist Is Also a Regime Cardinal

The controversial Bolivian Cardinal elect Toribio Ticona Porco keeps a distant relationship with the other Bolivian bishops according to ElDeber.com.bo.

According to the newspaper, Ticona’s past is signed by a “lefwing political militance”. Ticona has declared his friendship and affinity to the radical Socialist and anti-Church Bolivian president Evo Morales who keeps trying to divide the Church.

Ticona applauded the construction of a new government palace while the Church insisted that the money should rather be spent on health and education.

When in February 2016 Morales tried in vain to be allowed to run for a third mandate, Ticona kept mum while the Church voiced its opposition.

Porco ! what else
This Marxist who degrades the Faith might be a bit too straight to be a FrancisCardinal, but aside from not lusting after men, the concubinist seems eminently qualified for assaulting the Faith.