
High-Profile Francis Cardinal in Legal Troubles Over “Cover-Up” Hoax

An India court is investigating whether pro-gay Bombay Cardinal Oswald Gracias and two of his auxiliary bishops failed to report an alleged sexual abuse to police, UcaNews.com (May 22) writes.

"We welcome the police probe," said an archdiocesan spokesman, "We have nothing to hide" adding that "suddenly a new angle is given to the already 4-year-old-case."

Church authorities were about to report the matter to police but the victim's parents did so first.

The archdiocese made many attempts to reach out to the victim, but the family declined any help.

Gracias is a member of Pope Francis' Council of Cardinals.

Picture: Oswald Gracias, © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsDxtnzutekx
It is said, that the eyes 👀 are windows to the soul. In this photo, this mans eyes speak of guilt!!!!!