Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of May. A Friend: Michael Collins has published a nice photo of the pope pouring water into the glass of bishop Nuntio Galantino, the secretary general of the Italian Bishops …More
Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of May.

A Friend: Michael Collins has published a nice photo of the pope pouring water into the glass of bishop Nuntio Galantino, the secretary general of the Italian Bishops’ Conference. Galantino is a close friend of Francis and a big liberal. In the past he said: “My wish for the Italian Church is that it is able to listen without any taboo to the arguments in favor of married priests, the Eucharist for the divorced, and homosexuality." And: “In the past we have concentrated too much on abortion and euthanasia. It mustn’t be this way because in the middle there’s real life, which is constantly changing.”

A Sign? The Spanish blog La Cigüeña de la Torre has found another sign that things are changing in the Opus Dei. The blog refers to Eva Tràfach Dotes, an elementary school teacher at the Opus Dei School Les Alzines in Girona, a city in the northeast of Catalonia, Spain. Tràfach is a candidate in the Catalonian parliamentary elections 2015 for the party “Republican Left of Catalonia” which promotes abortion, homosex pseudo-marriage and elimination of religion from the public space.

Versatile: On May 4th the Augustinian monastery in St Florian in Austria celebrated its patron saint, Saint Florian, whose tomb is in the monastery church. The homily during the Pontifical High Mass was delivered by a layman, the Superintendent of the Protestant Church in Upper Austria, Gerold Lehner. Local diocesan bishop Ludwig Schwarz of Linz was present. In July, the same Schwarz will ordain in his cathedral a priest of the Society of Saint Peter according to the old rite of 1962.

Blasphemy: The former Master of the Dominicans Father Timothy Radcliffe was recently appointed by Pope Francis as an adviser for the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. In 2013 he was contributed to the Anglican “Pilling Report” on human sexual ethics. In it Radcliffe writes about the vice of homosexuality that – quote – “we cannot begin with the question of whether it is permitted or forbidden!” He adds: “We must ask what it means, and to which extend it is Eucharistic. Certainly it can be generous, vulnerable, tender, mutual and non-violent." According to Radcliffe the mortal sin of practiced homosexuality can be an expression of Christ’s self-giving.
Dr Bobus
Galantino is a liberal, but he is not a close friend of Pope Francis. The pope is a Jesuit, and Jesuits are trained not to
have close friends.
jean pierre aussant
God bless Gloria tv.
Noticias en Español
Un amigo: Michael Collins ha publicado una foto de Francisco vertiendo agua en el vaso del obispo Nuntio Galantino, el secretario general de la Conferencia Episcopal Italiana. Galantino es un amigo cercano de Francisco y un gran liberal. En el pasado, dijo: “Mi deseo para la Iglesia italiana es que sea capaz de escuchar sin ningún tipo de tabú los argumentos a favor de los sacerdotes casados, la …More
Un amigo: Michael Collins ha publicado una foto de Francisco vertiendo agua en el vaso del obispo Nuntio Galantino, el secretario general de la Conferencia Episcopal Italiana. Galantino es un amigo cercano de Francisco y un gran liberal. En el pasado, dijo: “Mi deseo para la Iglesia italiana es que sea capaz de escuchar sin ningún tipo de tabú los argumentos a favor de los sacerdotes casados, la Eucaristía para los divorciados, y la homosexualidad.” Y: “En el pasado que tenemos se concentra demasiado en el aborto y la eutanasia. no debe ser así porque en el centro hay vida real, que está en constante cambio .”