Gloria.TV News on the 26th of May. Products of Catholic Schools: On May 22, the Irish voters accepted a change of the country’s constitution, which now claims that Irish marriage is something between …More
Gloria.TV News on the 26th of May.

Products of Catholic Schools: On May 22, the Irish voters accepted a change of the country’s constitution, which now claims that Irish marriage is something between – quote - “two persons without distinction as to their sex”. Dublin archbishop Diarmuid Martin noticed that most of those who voted Yes are “products of our Catholic schools for 12 years”. He added: “There’s a big challenge there to see how we get across the message of the Church.”

Assisting Mortal Sin? Bishop Domenico Mogavero of Mazara del Vallo, Italy, who is an open gay apologist wants that the Irish referendum, which abolished marriage is not ignored in Italy. Mogavero claimed that there are in Italy hundreds of thousands of same-sex partnerships. He believes that the Church should not criticize homosexual acts, which are mortal sins but rather accompany and assist those who want to live in mortal sin. According to him the Irish bishops had no right to protest the abolition of marriage in Ireland.

Impostor: Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger was excommunicated in 2002 after being ordained a pseudo-priest in an obscure group. Since 2003 Mayr-Lumetzberger calls herself a bishop. Nevertheless she participated on March 23 in a panel discussion organized by the Catholic workers’ organisation Kolpingwerk in Linz, Austria. The topic of the discussion was “Ordination of women in the Roman Catholic Church”. At the end she seems to have given her pseudo-apostolic blessing. Later the bulletin of the Kolpingwerk published an article nin which it called Mayr-Lumetzberger “a Roman Catholic bishop”.

Secret Meeting: Yesterday, the bishops of Germany, France and Switzerland organized a secret seminary at the Jesuit run Gregorian University in Rome in order to promote homosexualism and adultery at the coming Synod on the Family. Their tactic is to denigrate those you hold on to the Catholic faith as being quote “fearful” or of “erecting barricades”. The head of the meeting is the heterodox German Cardinal Reinhard Marx.
Noticias en Español
Reunión secreta:
Ayer, los obispos de Alemania, Francia y Suiza organizaron un seminario secreto en la Universidad Jesuita Gregoriana de Roma con el fin de promover el homosexualismo y el adulterio en el próximo Sínodo sobre la Familia. Su táctica es denigrar a los que se aferran a la fe católica como cito “miedosos” o “constructores de obstáculos”. El jefe de la reunión fue el heterodoxo …More
Reunión secreta:
Ayer, los obispos de Alemania, Francia y Suiza organizaron un seminario secreto en la Universidad Jesuita Gregoriana de Roma con el fin de promover el homosexualismo y el adulterio en el próximo Sínodo sobre la Familia. Su táctica es denigrar a los que se aferran a la fe católica como cito “miedosos” o “constructores de obstáculos”. El jefe de la reunión fue el heterodoxo cardenal alemán Reinhard Marx.
Noticias en Español
Asistiendo el pecado mortal?
El Obispo Domenico Mogavero de Mazara del Vallo, Italia, que es un declarado apologista gay quiere que el referéndum irlandés, que abolió el matrimonio no se ignore en Italia. Mogavero afirmó que hay en Italia cientos de miles de parejas del mismo sexo. Él cree que la Iglesia no debe criticar los actos homosexuales, que son pecados mortales sino acompañar y ayudar a …More
Asistiendo el pecado mortal?
El Obispo Domenico Mogavero de Mazara del Vallo, Italia, que es un declarado apologista gay quiere que el referéndum irlandés, que abolió el matrimonio no se ignore en Italia. Mogavero afirmó que hay en Italia cientos de miles de parejas del mismo sexo. Él cree que la Iglesia no debe criticar los actos homosexuales, que son pecados mortales sino acompañar y ayudar a aquellos que quieren vivir en pecado mortal. Según él los obispos irlandeses no tenían derecho a protestar por la abolición del matrimonio en Irlanda.
Chris P.
Sodomy Marriage = Homosexual Acts
Sacred Scripture
Gen 19:1-29; Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:9-10; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 1:7
Doctrine of the Faith
CCC: # 2357, 2358, 2359, 2396.
Requirement for all Catholic citizens to vote - Doctrine of the Faith -
CCC # 2240
Those who love their neighbors as commanded by Jesus will want them to get to Heaven for eternity, not Hell.More
Sodomy Marriage = Homosexual Acts

Sacred Scripture
Gen 19:1-29; Rom 1:24-27; 1 Cor 6:9-10; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 1:7

Doctrine of the Faith
CCC: # 2357, 2358, 2359, 2396.
Requirement for all Catholic citizens to vote - Doctrine of the Faith -
CCC # 2240

Those who love their neighbors as commanded by Jesus will want them to get to Heaven for eternity, not Hell.
Chris P.
What is wrong with many Bishops and many Priests ?
- Do they not know that they must actively, prominently and frequently encourage all literate Laity to read SACRED SCRIPTURE (Catholic Bible), and the DOCTRINE of the FAITH ("Catechism is of the Catholic Church, second edition" of 1997) at home ?
CCC: " 133 The Church "forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful. . . to learn …More
What is wrong with many Bishops and many Priests ?
- Do they not know that they must actively, prominently and frequently encourage all literate Laity to read SACRED SCRIPTURE (Catholic Bible), and the DOCTRINE of the FAITH ("Catechism is of the Catholic Church, second edition" of 1997) at home ?

CCC: " 133 The Church "forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful. . . to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures.
Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. "
Well, in the gloria tv news ,its all disappoint news ,.There i s only one good news , The battle is won ,and Jesus is coming soon ,BE READY
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