Gloria TV News on the 25th of May
Pray for the fidelity of all bishops and priests to the doctrine of the Church and for the unity and courageous witness to the Catholic faith. 😡 🙏 🤗
padre geremia
🤐 anti campaigning or not catholics in the US should oppose the HHS mandate of Obama!
Amen Fr. Z. How much more do we have to lose before the Liturgy is restored? We already lost the sense who is the priest. We lost the Faith. That is what happened when we were sent to mingle with those who don't believe as we do. We know the influence of the those who are not Catholics is much stronger than us. Mix faiths is not such a good idea after all. We have been warned througout Scriptures …More
Amen Fr. Z. How much more do we have to lose before the Liturgy is restored? We already lost the sense who is the priest. We lost the Faith. That is what happened when we were sent to mingle with those who don't believe as we do. We know the influence of the those who are not Catholics is much stronger than us. Mix faiths is not such a good idea after all. We have been warned througout Scriptures not to do this. Yet, we decided to do it anyway. There are consequences for disobedience. Some of us thought they knew more than God. They could do better than God by trying to be good. They think they are much better and God was good enough.
Indeed! I rather think it high time to remind the Roman Catholic world that WHAT we believe must be completely experienced in HOW we pray. Pope St Gregory the Great taking a leaf from the Apologia of Prosper of Aquatanium, gives us this most precious of Liturgical principles:
Lex Credendi - Lex Orandi
Remember our heritage Roman Catholics out there! Let us stop trying to be everythings else BUT …More
Indeed! I rather think it high time to remind the Roman Catholic world that WHAT we believe must be completely experienced in HOW we pray. Pope St Gregory the Great taking a leaf from the Apologia of Prosper of Aquatanium, gives us this most precious of Liturgical principles:
Lex Credendi - Lex Orandi

Remember our heritage Roman Catholics out there! Let us stop trying to be everythings else BUT Roman Catholic! 😇 🤗