
Polish protesters topple statue of Solidarity priest accused of abuse

Polish police are questioning three men after the statue of the Solidarity movement’s former chaplain was pulled down amid child …
Well said, Rafal and Nicolaus.
HerzMariae Irish times and MSM are reliable sources for cafeteria "Catholics". Those polish speaking anarchists are the victims of anti-Catholic and neo-marxist global revolution flooding into Poland after joining EU- the new totalitarian neo-marxist union of socialist republics. Its end is to destroy the visible Church globally and undermine its authority in the minds of the young and the weak. A …More
HerzMariae Irish times and MSM are reliable sources for cafeteria "Catholics". Those polish speaking anarchists are the victims of anti-Catholic and neo-marxist global revolution flooding into Poland after joining EU- the new totalitarian neo-marxist union of socialist republics. Its end is to destroy the visible Church globally and undermine its authority in the minds of the young and the weak. A true Pole and Catholic would never enforce any punishment onto living or deceased Catholic priest under jurisdiction of canon law where abides Concordat agreement with Holy See. Try getting insight from few but true reliable Catholic news sources...
Well, I can accuse everyone, without any proof, just based on roumors? Once they claim in the 60 years a women who was pregnant committed a suicide, he was the genetic father. Later he should have been gay, but the boys already were mayor. What´s the truth?