Gloria.TV News on the 27th of August 2014 Concern: Bishop Martin Jumoad, the Prelate of Isabela, has expressed concern over reports that around 100 Filipino Moslems from Davao City were recruited by …More
Gloria.TV News on the 27th of August 2014

Concern: Bishop Martin Jumoad, the Prelate of Isabela, has expressed concern over reports that around 100 Filipino Moslems from Davao City were recruited by ISIS to fight in Iraq and Syria and left the country in July. Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte earlier confirmed the news and said he respected the decision of those who joined the fighting.

Rumors: Fr. Federico Lombardi, the spokesman of the Vatican has responded to rumors that ISIS may be targeting Pope Francis. Quote: “There is nothing serious to this. There is no particular concern in the Vatican. This news has no foundation.” The rumors were spread by the Italian newspaper “It Tempo”.

Crackpot: Saturday Michael Eric Dyson, a Baptist minister and MSNBC contributor discussed the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, saying Obama’s presence there was necessary for the Almighty. Quote: “I’m a Christian preacher and God finally said, ‘look, I can’t send nobody else. I got to go myself.” And: “I ain’t saying that Obama is Jesus, but for many of his followers he is.” Already in 2013 Dyson made headlines when he said about Attorney General Eric Holder - quote: “He’s the Moses of our time and at least for this administration.” Dyson teaches sociology at Jesuit run Georgetown University.

Medically Necessary? The administration of California Governor Jerry Brown forces Catholic universities to pay for abortion in their health plans reversing an earlier decision that allowed Santa Clara and Loyola Marymount universities to exclude coverage for “elective” abortions in their health insurance plans. California health department’s director, Michelle Rouillard called abortion a service that was – quote - “medically necessary.” Bill Donohue from the Catholic League commented: “Rouillard did not say why electing to kill children in utero was ‘medically necessary’.
😡 Here in Gloria tv there are a person that maliciously from his different account continues to promote this rumor even though we've been warned it that the news was denied I don't know what is his intentions please remove this article. Thanks 😡 El Papa se encuentra en el punto de mira del grupo yihadista Estado Islámico, según Il Tempi
Rumors: Fr. Federico Lombardi, the spokesman of the …More
😡 Here in Gloria tv there are a person that maliciously from his different account continues to promote this rumor even though we've been warned it that the news was denied I don't know what is his intentions please remove this article. Thanks 😡 El Papa se encuentra en el punto de mira del grupo yihadista Estado Islámico, según Il Tempi
Rumors: Fr. Federico Lombardi, the spokesman of the Vatican has responded to rumors that ISIS may be targeting Pope Francis. Quote: “There is nothing serious to this. There is no particular concern in the Vatican. This news has no foundation.” The rumors were spread by the Italian newspaper “It Tempo”.

Eventhough the news has been translated into Spanish the user continues spreading falsehood. 😡
Immaculate heart and one more user link to this post
Janet O'Connor
This is the first I heard about any threat by ISIS to the Pope. CMTV had their Catholic News Roundup yesterday and said nothing about it there. I just heard that is morning, You can't believe everything you hear. I learned that three years ago
Dr Bobus What I wrote is what some page in the Internet said about Jerry Brown. This is one of them. In 1958, he entered Sacred Heart Novitiate, a Jesuit seminary, intending to become a Catholic priest.
In his homily, Bishop Barber also extolled the virtues of Gov. Brown’s Jesuit education. 🤨
Francis Speaks of Economics While Sacrilege Continues
Dr Bobus
Jerry Brown was not trained to be a Jesuit priest. He finished the two year Jesuit novitiate, spent a year in studies, then left. He was at least 7 years away from ordination.
Dyson teaches sociology at Jesuit run Georgetown University. 🤨
Governor Jerry Brown Jerry was trained by Jesuit.
Jerry Brown actually was trained to be a Jesuit Priest.
Pro-abortion and pro-homosexual California Governor Brown receives Communion from Bishop Michael Barber, S.J., of Oakland at the bishop’s installation Mass on May 25, 2013. Francis Speaks of Economics While Sacrilege ContinuesMore
Governor Jerry Brown Jerry was trained by Jesuit.
Jerry Brown actually was trained to be a Jesuit Priest.

Pro-abortion and pro-homosexual California Governor Brown receives Communion from Bishop Michael Barber, S.J., of Oakland at the bishop’s installation Mass on May 25, 2013. Francis Speaks of Economics While Sacrilege Continues
One more comment from Knights4Christ
Rumors: Fr. Federico Lombardi, the spokesman of the Vatican has responded to rumors that ISIS may be targeting Francis. Quote: “There is nothing serious to this. There is no particular concern in the Vatican. This news has no foundation.” The rumors were spread by the Italian newspaper “It Tempo”.
Michael Eric Dyson shows just how some African Americans think about Obama. Its sick to think he/Obama is a messiah to them.