
Is Satan In Charge? Vatican Promotes Pro-Abortion Ideologists

The controversial Pontifical Academy of Science will hold a conference on population control on November 2-4 at the Vatican, reports lifesitenews. Among the speakers are, - the German climate scientist …More
The controversial Pontifical Academy of Science will hold a conference on population control on November 2-4 at the Vatican, reports lifesitenews. Among the speakers are,
- the German climate scientist Hans Schellnhuber, a global-warming alarmist
- the Indian economist Partha Dasgupta, a proponent of population control and fan of China's one-child policy
- the U.S. economist Jeffery Sachs for whom abortion is a cost-effective way to eliminate “unwanted children”
- U.S. politicians like California Governor Jerry Brown, who support the abortion network Planned Parenthood.
On February 27 to March 1 the Vatican hosted a controversial conference on “Biological Extinction” featuring pro-abortion speakers.
Picture: © Dennis Jarvis, CC BY-SA, #newsYvnbdlxtza
Angie W.
Jesuit California Gov. Legalizes Euthanasia
The administration of California Governor Jerry Brown forces Catholic universities to pay for abortion in their health plan.
Concerns Over California's "Right to Die" Bill
This is insanity: California Gov. Brown signs transgender-student bill
California Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Gay History Bill
The administration of Jesuit Governor Jerry Brown has imposed …More
Jesuit California Gov. Legalizes Euthanasia
The administration of California Governor Jerry Brown forces Catholic universities to pay for abortion in their health plan.
Concerns Over California's "Right to Die" Bill
This is insanity: California Gov. Brown signs transgender-student bill
California Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Gay History Bill
The administration of Jesuit Governor Jerry Brown has imposed many pro-gay laws:
SB 1172, the Democrats' tyrannical bill banning gender-confusion counseling
SB 1172 banning sexual-confusion counseling for molested children
Penalize licensed counselors who care enough to counsel these gender-confused children, who have often been molested or raped.
SB 1172 reads, "Under no circumstances shall a mental health provider engage in sexual orientation change efforts with a patient under 18 years of age, regardless of the willingness of a patient, patient's parent, guardian, conservator, or other person to authorize such efforts."
SB 1476 allowing a child to have three or more legal “parents”
SB 623 reauthorizing certain nurses to do abortions of preborn babies
Pact with the devil: Archbishop Gomez of LA honors pro-aborts
Francis Speaks of Economics While Sacrilege Continues
vandlent shares this
Catholicism101 because Pope has been quarantined does not mean satan is in command of his soul. Pope Benedict XVI didn't sell out his soul to the devil.
GJA Taylor Pray for which Holy Father? Since there can't be more than one Holy Father whilst BXVI is still titled by hierarchy Holy Father.
ACLumsden all these degenerated Popes of the past didn't allow for a simultaneous break of Dogmas, Sacraments …More
Catholicism101 because Pope has been quarantined does not mean satan is in command of his soul. Pope Benedict XVI didn't sell out his soul to the devil.
GJA Taylor Pray for which Holy Father? Since there can't be more than one Holy Father whilst BXVI is still titled by hierarchy Holy Father.
ACLumsden all these degenerated Popes of the past didn't allow for a simultaneous break of Dogmas, Sacraments and Divine law (today foundation of family is being undermined doctrinally & pastorally etc.). And because gates of hell will not prevail the Church does not guarantee that visible Church will not cease to exist in certain regions locally (Devastated Vineyard) or that prophesied in Revelation "whore of Babylon" will not to deceive many brethren except those parallel remaining in small Catholic Church.
mccallansteve God is wiser than all of humanity together because whenever humans elect more than one pope, as now they title two men popes, then be sure that only one is valid in accordance with Scripture and Magisterium. Deo gratias for His wisdom and Sursum Corda to men of good will.
We have had many bad popes, that is true but none that have tried to change dogma of the Church, which this pope is trying to do in the most sneaky of ways: He wants those who are in the state of mortal sin to be able to receive the eucharist with the blessings of the Church. This puts him in a category all his own.
Nonsense, if you believe in Holy Scripture and the veracity of its content, this post is utterly irrelevant, to be sure. How can Satan be 'in charge' when Christ promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against the church. We have had the Medicis, Borgias, and a plethora of infinitely more morally degenerate Popes and prelates in the Church - She continues on smartly. Try to see beyond …More
Nonsense, if you believe in Holy Scripture and the veracity of its content, this post is utterly irrelevant, to be sure. How can Satan be 'in charge' when Christ promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against the church. We have had the Medicis, Borgias, and a plethora of infinitely more morally degenerate Popes and prelates in the Church - She continues on smartly. Try to see beyond the surface of what you see - with God's help, be at peace. 🙂
GJA Taylor
Pray much for the Holy Father that his distorted mind and heart be granted a Pauline Conversion. He is not a good pope.
Is Satan in charge. That's a rhetorical question, right?
Yes indeed, Satan is now in FULL COMMAND of the Vatican. The 'smoke' of Satan has turned into a RAGING FIRE.