
Francis Proposes Abu Dhabi Document To United Nations, Wants "World Day Of Fraternity"

The High Committee for Human Fraternity delivered a plea of Francis to the United Nations, asking to propagate Francis' the Abu Dhabi document.

According to VaticanNews.va (December 5), Francis suggested to declare February 4 as “World Day of Human Fraternity.”

Finally, the United Nations were invited to organise a World Summit on Human Fraternity together with the Holy See and the Al-Azhar university, Egypt.

The German family activist Hedwig Beverfoerde commented on Twitter, “It is unbelievable how openly Francis keeps pushing the Masonic One-World and One-Religion plan. And ‘conservative’ Catholics keep pretending that nothing is wrong. Doodle-De-Dum.”

Picture: Vatican Media, #newsLtqmwdbgyk

Please lord, take Francis out..