
Opus Dei: Could the Water Have Been Even Colder?

InfoVaticana.com (September 6) asks whether Francis avoided an even harsher Motu Proprio against the Opus Dei. • Cardinal Ghirlanda SJ has been a sworn enemy of the Opus Dei’s juridical configuration …More
InfoVaticana.com (September 6) asks whether Francis avoided an even harsher Motu Proprio against the Opus Dei.
• Cardinal Ghirlanda SJ has been a sworn enemy of the Opus Dei’s juridical configuration for decades.
• Praedicate Evangelium has moved the Opus Dei from the Bishops’ Congregation to Clergy.
• Ghirlanda considers the Opus Dei "a church within the Church" that John Paul II promoted too much.
• The original plan was to put the Opus Dei under the Dicastery for the [non-existent] New Evangelisation.
• There is a good relationship between Francis and Opus Dei Vicar General, the Argentinean Mariano Fazio.
• The Opus Dei fears that Francis could appoint a commissioner or turn it into a priestly fraternity and its lay members into external collaborators.
• After the July Motu Proprio, the Opus Dei must modify its statutes. Picture: Gianfranco Ghirlanda © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsBftlxaqkyq
Salvatore Bastatti
From the website traditio today:
The Once-bold Order of the Knights of Malta
Whose Charitable Works Are Legendary
Since the Middle Ages to This Day
Have Now Been Destroyed
By "Il Papa Dittatore," as Francis-Bergoglio
Is Derisively Known in Europe
The Order Is a Sovereign Entity
Recognized by the United Nations
And the European Union
Which Bergoglio Has No Authority to Touch
Yet the Bully Apostate …More
From the website traditio today:

The Once-bold Order of the Knights of Malta
Whose Charitable Works Are Legendary
Since the Middle Ages to This Day
Have Now Been Destroyed
By "Il Papa Dittatore," as Francis-Bergoglio
Is Derisively Known in Europe
The Order Is a Sovereign Entity
Recognized by the United Nations
And the European Union
Which Bergoglio Has No Authority to Touch
Yet the Bully Apostate Newpope
Lets Not even International Covenants Stop Him
Instead of Bowing Like Cowards to the Dictator
The Knights Should Declare Him an Apostate Pretender
And Have Nothing Whatsoever to Do with Him
P. O'B
The Opus Dei -- Jesuit animosity goes back quite a ways -- Fr. Escriva said that he would rather have one of his spiritual daughters die without the Last Rites than to receive them from a Jesuit. A saint I am happy I didn't follow.
Dr Bobus
Big surprise. As the Jesuit influence wanes, they resent Opus Dei taking their place.
Clerical Jealousy.More
Big surprise. As the Jesuit influence wanes, they resent Opus Dei taking their place.

Clerical Jealousy.