WEF: Here's how we can vaccinate the world

Here's how we can vaccinate the world against COVID-19. Mass vaccination programmes are underway in high-income countries, but it’s a different story elsewhere. As long as vast numbers of people remain …More
Here's how we can vaccinate the world against COVID-19.
Mass vaccination programmes are underway in high-income countries, but it’s a different story elsewhere. As long as vast numbers of people remain unprotected, the virus has a chance to mutate and cause further damage to lives and livelihoods.
We need public-private partnerships that can build factories around the world to ensure equitable distribution of vaccines year on year. To a citizen of a rich country, it may feel like the vaccination programmes are going well.
In a few months, it’s reasonable to expect that more than 75% of the adult population of the US and the UK will have had a first dose of the vaccine. The EU, Japan and other developed nations will be not far behind; most likely they will reach that milestone in the latter part of the year.
But this is not fast enough. Billions of people will still be unprotected, mainly in the developing world. India and China have made impressive strides, but it is unlikely that the …More
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