
Orchestrated by Rome: The Downfall of the Sisters of Pontcallec

The 100 or so Dominican Sisters of Pontcallec who run schools, are converting to the Novus Ordo, writes PaixLiturgique.org (July 13).

The priests of the Fraternity of St Peter and the Institute of Christ the King who have been serving the sisters, will be replaced by diocesan priests.

The introduction of the Novus Ordo will be “exceptional”, at least at the beginning.

As a result, the sisters have hardly any new members. About twenty sisters, novices or professed, have left the institute in the last ten years. Recently, another four sisters have left, and more may do so. There are no vocations.

In June 2021, the former superior, Mother Marie Ferréol was dismissed from religious life by Rome.

The sisters are under the malicious influence of Cardinal Ouellet who is a personal friend of their superior, Mother d'Arvieu. He told La Croix in June 2021, that Francis "personally followed the case at every stage.”


I'd choose to die rather than go over to the Novus Ordo protestant service
Bergoglio is a destroyer, we know that from Argentina he destroyed several priests and religious communities. So much so that Bergoglio received the nickname of the 7 plagues of Egypt. The blindness of some who still call this enemy of Christ "Pope" must be of demonic origin, as Saint Paul warns when he denounces the power of seduction of the son of perdition.
Plagues of Egypt: from the Church in …More
Bergoglio is a destroyer, we know that from Argentina he destroyed several priests and religious communities. So much so that Bergoglio received the nickname of the 7 plagues of Egypt. The blindness of some who still call this enemy of Christ "Pope" must be of demonic origin, as Saint Paul warns when he denounces the power of seduction of the son of perdition.

Plagues of Egypt: from the Church in Argentina to the Church Universal and Bergoglian attack on the traditional Mass

En Argentina Bergoglio se apoderó del Santuario de San Cayetano en Liniers despojando de los bienes a las Hermanitas del Divino Salvador |
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
All good, faithful Catholics should be nothing but in extreme opposition to Pope Francis, and his homo advisors and associates, and to do all we can to thwart his initiatives, and to disobey them, and those of his associates...and on the other hand to offer our encouragement, support, and prayers, and also financial support, to any/all traditional Orders and groups of sisters,nuns,friars,monks that …More
All good, faithful Catholics should be nothing but in extreme opposition to Pope Francis, and his homo advisors and associates, and to do all we can to thwart his initiatives, and to disobey them, and those of his associates...and on the other hand to offer our encouragement, support, and prayers, and also financial support, to any/all traditional Orders and groups of sisters,nuns,friars,monks that are persecuted by Francis and his goon squad of pro-homo apostates and heretics.
The one good thing about all this is the kore Francis and his people do these kind of things, the more good Catholics, and even those who are just moderate, and turning away from him, his appointees/bishops, and his agenda, and towards tradition.
This is all going to backfire very badly on Bergoglio.....not just this little nasty project of his to destroy this good Order, but everything he has done in his entire pontificate. He'll live to see everything he wanted repudiated right before he dies.
I'm on vacation starting today to L.A. to visit relatives with three of my brothers for 6 weeks. I can't wait to read this site and hopefully hear about the end of the Francis agenda by then. Hopefully. 🤪🤪😂🙏🙏.