
Cardinal Pell: "A Case Being Mounted For a Witch Trial"

The prestigious Australian literary critic Peter Craven wrote in The Sydney Morning Herald a crushing review of "Cardinal: The Rise and Fall of George Pell" by Louise Milligan who tries to implicate Cardinal George Pell in sexual abuses. He calls it "a 384-page attempt at a self-fulfilling prophecy."

According to him "Milligan does not give the impression of being versed either in questions of theology or law" and her book "has plenty of inaccuracies". He calls her "a writer of flaming convictions and sensationalist prose who backs her intuitions in the face of any notion of evidence or scruple."

Milligan especially focuses on charges regarding two boys with a Church scholarship who were required to sing in the St Patrick's cathedral choir, Melbourne, in return. She claims that Pell allegedly "abused" them in a room in the cathedral. One of the boys died of an overdose and cannot testify. None of the other choirboys back up the claim.

Cravens conclusion: "One can only hope to God that in the present climate people will be capable of realising this is a case being mounted for a witch trial."
