
Shame! Cardinal Pell Charged With Trumped Up "Sexual Offences"

Cardinal George Pell, the Prefect of the Vatican's Secretariat for the Economy, has been charged with trumped up "sexual offences" on Thursday in Melbourne, the capital of the Australian state Victoria. Pell announced he would “return to Australia, as soon as possible, to clear his name”. For years, Pell has been exposed to bogus accusations. He is hated by the commercial media for his strong Catholic leadership.

The Australian columnist Angela Shanahan wrote in early June that because of the media witch-hunt, Cardinal Pell "can never get a fair trial". One of the leading Pell-haters is Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton.

Picture: © Kerry Myers, CC BY, #newsTmixyjqybk
@mccallansteve: The (implausible) accusations were levelled against Pell years ago already and they were dismissed. Pell is not the only case in Australia, where dismissed accusations are rehashed.
How do we know they are trumped up charges? Let the cardinal have his day in court. God knows that many in the Church have protected priest abusers or abused innocent children in the past and even now
This blogger has some good additional information about child abuse in Australia and elsewhere.
I have never seen such a setup for an innocent man, as if any one as intelligent as Mr Pell would be as stupid as to do such a thing as he is accused of, obviously the Melbourne Police Commissioner has a vendetta against him.Taking the word of a 13 year old boy from years ago, come on, not a single piece of evidence, no one else has accused him in his 70 odd years of service to the church, now …More
I have never seen such a setup for an innocent man, as if any one as intelligent as Mr Pell would be as stupid as to do such a thing as he is accused of, obviously the Melbourne Police Commissioner has a vendetta against him.Taking the word of a 13 year old boy from years ago, come on, not a single piece of evidence, no one else has accused him in his 70 odd years of service to the church, now theywant to crucify him, typical Australian point the finger accusations,Im sure the truth will abide in the years to come , this poor bugger is innocent of all charge, get some proof before you condem an innocent person.