Wilma Lopez

Accusation from one of Stricklands enemies within the diocese:

Statement of Fr Timothy Kelly, Pastor of Holy Spirit Catholic Church of the Diocese of Tyler, on the removal of Bishop Strickland:

“I think it's important to say that many decent good people have been hurt under his administration. Seven years ago, something dark descended upon the Diocese of Tyler. Under the direction of Bishop Joseph Strickland, charity was replaced in this diocese. Good, decent Catholic people, who had served at the diocese for a generation, were fired without as much as a thank you. Their hearts have never been recognized, nor has any apology ever been made. Priests who disagreed with the bishop were intimidated by his supporters. I can personally attest to such phone calls from prominent friends of the bishop. The bishop appointed people to positions of authority who are unworthy of those positions. (Thank God that most of them were later fired once the bishop felt that they were a threat to his authority.) Every month, things in this diocese have gone steadily down and down. Bishop Strickland’s well-being must be our primary concern today. He has been at war for the last few years. He has been manipulated and used by ruthless men, both laity and priests of this diocese, whose goal was to use the diocese and the bishop to push their extremist ideological agenda. I am not saying that Bishop Strickland is not responsible for his words, however, but some very unsavory men have influenced him. It is essential that Bishop Strickland be given time to rest and come to terms with the disaster he had drawn upon himself and on us. It is important that he have some time for counseling and therapy. I wish him the best for his new life. In the past, Bishop Strickland was a nice, unassuming, likable man, but in his addiction to celebrity he has ruined lives and ruptured decades-long friendships. Families have stopped going to Mass because of his unkind words. Parents have taken their children out of Catholic schools. He needs time for reflection. He needs time to rebuild the bridges he burned. Bishop Strickland needs to step away from the cameras and microphones, and submit himself to the authority of the Supreme Pontiff. Something dark has descended upon the Diocese of Tyler. Saint Peter was given the keys of the kingdom of heaven. The Bishop of Rome has spoken. That is the end of the matter. ‘Roma locuta est; Causa finita est.’ Augustine of Hippo"
Denis Efimov
"extremist ideological agenda"?! This padre seems to be talking modernist crap into our ears
True Mass
Can you say .... another homo.
Catholics all over the world unite to confront the sinfull decisions being made in vatican <They want want to distroy the Catholic church and turn it nto a new world order religion ,Our Lord Jesus will not let that happen
The SSPX are looking for a few good Bishops! Tyler can now "feel " good and resume the Novus Ordo March to schism.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I predict the Tyler diocese will lose 75% of it's seminarians before 2024...mass resignations.
Louis IX
So he should have been replaced because of “ hurt feelings”. What, are they children? This letter is a load of horse pucky.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
NO, they are the usuall vermin that do this kind of thing.....the LGBTQ+ crowd, TRANS, Gender ideology proponents, femminists, radical homosexual priests.. The usuall types. 🥱 🥱
The good father shows his hand, “ I can personally attest to such phone calls from prominent friends of the bishop.” Phone calls trying to act on Cannon 212 and correct wayward clergy? What was it that prompted the complaint? Have you been “welcoming and inclusive” to the point of irreverence or ignoring canonical norms? While Strickland has been bishop for 11 years, the good father mentions that …More
The good father shows his hand, “ I can personally attest to such phone calls from prominent friends of the bishop.” Phone calls trying to act on Cannon 212 and correct wayward clergy? What was it that prompted the complaint? Have you been “welcoming and inclusive” to the point of irreverence or ignoring canonical norms? While Strickland has been bishop for 11 years, the good father mentions that the problem started seven years ago. What a coincidence, the year Amoris Letitia was released. Looking a little deeper, it seems the good father is very active on “Where is Peter” website, which is a Synodal Church organ. I would expect there would be a great deal of friction between the good father and members of the Apostolic Church.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That's because birds of a feather (homosexual priests and homo lovers =Francis) stick together.
Everyday for Life Canada
A similar statement could be made about the pope and nothing has been done about it.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is about the biggest pile of B.S. I have read in a long time. I'll bet anyone $10.00 that by "I think it's important to say that many decent good people have been hurt under his administration." this clown of a priest means LGBTQ+ people, TRANS, pro-married priest, Pro-women priest heretics. Just by his language, I can tell that this priest iin a radical progressive hypocrite, demonizing a good …More
This is about the biggest pile of B.S. I have read in a long time. I'll bet anyone $10.00 that by "I think it's important to say that many decent good people have been hurt under his administration." this clown of a priest means LGBTQ+ people, TRANS, pro-married priest, Pro-women priest heretics. Just by his language, I can tell that this priest iin a radical progressive hypocrite, demonizing a good bishop in Bishop Strickland, but at the end saying that all Catholics and Bishop Strickland need to kneel before the decision of the "Sovereign Pontiff". HAHAHAAHAHA! Only because Pope Francis suits your agenda, "father". You are probably a pro-homo apostate just like your "Sovereign Pontiff".
Go scratch, Father....you sanctimonious egg-sucking loser.
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis
Excellent quote from Novus Ordo Watch.
Ladies and gentlemen, recent events have added to the ever-growing pile of evidence showing the impossibility of being a Catholic in the Vatican II Church. It is not possible to recognize and submit to a Modernist hierarchy as if they were lawful Catholic authorities while at the same time retaining traditional Roman Catholic beliefs and practices. In short, …More
Excellent quote from Novus Ordo Watch.
Ladies and gentlemen, recent events have added to the ever-growing pile of evidence showing the impossibility of being a Catholic in the Vatican II Church. It is not possible to recognize and submit to a Modernist hierarchy as if they were lawful Catholic authorities while at the same time retaining traditional Roman Catholic beliefs and practices. In short, you cannot be Catholic in a non-Catholic church:
Francis Fires Strickland! Outspoken Novus Ordo Bishop of Tyler Removed by Bergoglio
John A Cassani
That is an obnoxious statement.
A sad day for our Holy Roman Catholic Church but Our Lord has allowed it for a greater good….’unless the grain of wheat dies….”May He comfort Bishop Strickland and give him peace! Something extraordinarily good will come to life from this painful experience…Faithful Catholics must pray and not lose hope that better days are ahead.For God is indeed in charge!
Wilma Lopez
@John A Cassani Concedo totum.