Very Interesting Beatification Process

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has launched the process for the beatification of Cardinal Ljubomyr Husar (+2017).

Husar was the first Grand Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in post-Soviet Ukraine.

He wanted the title "Patriarch", but the Vatican refused for "ecumenical" reasons.

Husar was born in 1933 in Lvov, Poland. After the Second World War, his family moved first to Salzburg and then to the United States, where he was ordained a priest.

In 1969 he came to Rome to study for his doctorate. Near Rome, he joined the Studite order at Grottaferrata Abbey near Rome, where he eventually became abbot.

He was consecrated a bishop in 1977 by Major Archbishop Josyf Slipyj (+1984), without the necessary approval of Paul VI, which caused much irritation in the Roman Curia.

After moving to Ukraine, Huzar gave up his US citizenship and took Ukrainian citizenship.

He was a member of the so-called Mafia of Saint Gall, Switzerland, which met annually from 1995 to 2006.

While the Vatican under John Paul II made a big deal of ordinations without mandate in the Priestly Society of St Pius X (SSPX), the same phenomenon did not stop Husar's career, probably also because he was a member of the above-mentioned Mafia. This will also guarantee a successful conclusion of his "beatification process."

Picture: Ljubomyr Husar © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsUykhxcqrml

Philadelphia Trad
There’s a common mis-perception that the Ukrainian Catholic Church is a “conservative” alternative to the liberal, novus ordo church. I have been to some (American) Ukrainian Divine Liturgies that were beautiful and reverent. I’ve also been to others that were very offensive with pro-Zelensky, anti-Putin, NWO screeds during the homilies.
P. O'B
Very interesting article. And very sad to hear that Archbishop Husar was part of the "Bergoglio for Pope" Mafia. I have attended a Ukrainian Catholic Church for decades now, and my impression is that the Ukrainian hierarchy, at least in "old country," doesn't worry first about what Rome thinks. Let Rome worry about them! And witness Cardinal Slypij's action. Slypij is the guy they should consider …More
Very interesting article. And very sad to hear that Archbishop Husar was part of the "Bergoglio for Pope" Mafia. I have attended a Ukrainian Catholic Church for decades now, and my impression is that the Ukrainian hierarchy, at least in "old country," doesn't worry first about what Rome thinks. Let Rome worry about them! And witness Cardinal Slypij's action. Slypij is the guy they should consider canonizing -- 18 years in a Soviet Siberian prison camp. The cause for the canonization of Ukrainian Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, who died in 1944, was opened decades ago. Put Husar's beatification on the back burner, and way back, not even on the stove, considering his membership in the St. Gallen Mafia.
I lived in a Ukranian immigrant neighborhood for five years and learned that Ukranians tend to take laws, rules, and regulations as mere suggestions.