to Cease Operations In April

St Michael's Media, the "non-profit" organisation behind the news website, will cease operations at the end of April.

Its founder, Michael Voris, is a homosexual who resigned from his post in November for 'violating the morals clause' and asked for forgiveness, which he has not shown to others.

According to his right-hand woman, Christine Niles - a divorced journalist and mother of four with a reputation for spreading gossip, particularly against the Priestly Society of St. Pius X - Voris has worked very little in recent years and no one knows what he has been doing all day. She claims to have known "nothing" about Voris's homosexual double life.

It was not until November 2023 that she warned colleagues that Voris had been sending half-naked selfies directly and apparently intentionally to other men, including some of his co-workers.

Other employees told (24 February) that in April 2023, dozens of half-nude selfies of Voris appeared, probably unintentionally, on ChurchMilitant's cloud storage.

According to its 2022 tax filings, St Michael's Media had $4.89 million in revenue that year, allegedly from donations and subscriptions.

In recent weeks, ChurchMilitant ended a libel suit with a financial settlement ($500,000) and an apology to Reverend Georges de Laire, a New Hampshire priest. had claimed that the reporting against him was based on anonymous sources, but in fact it was completely fabricated.

English Catholic and one more user link to this post
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur shares this
Philadelphia Trad
Good riddance. I hope all the people involved with that operation will prayerfully not come back in any new, lay-Catholic “ministry.” Voris and Niles especially should live the rest of their days in non-public prayer and penance in reparation for all the lives they’ve slandered and destroyed.
Niles is already doing her own show on YT - washing her hands of Voris and saying she was fooled by him as well.
Philadelphia Trad
Maybe she’ll use her new YT forum to publically apologize to Mike Parrott, Jeff Cassman, the Carmelite Hermits in Wyoming and the SSPX priests that she slandered.
Ave Crux
I'm relieved.....I had to stop listening to them years ago. There was something very "off" about that organization.....when they starting ripping large groups of Traditional Priests apart and disparaging the Mass of the Ages it became clear the spirit animating them was not trustworthy.
I hope fr. De Laire donates the 500,000 to charity because it is very difficult for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Let alone for a rich priest....
English Catholic
@petrus100452 After paying Fr de Laire off, what will happen to the $4.39 million?
@English Catholic hopefully, after fulfilling all their financial obligations, they will donate the surplus to charity
English Catholic
@petrus100452 Hopefully you're right. When Voris left, I remember it was said there were 40 or so staff. Presumably salaries/redundancy pay/pensions will take up quite a bit. There must be some kind of accountability under US law for situations like this, where organisations like CM fold up, leaving millions.
De Profundis
English Catholic
@De Profundis E Michael Jones exposed all this narcissism ages ago in his booklet: "The Man Behind the Curtain: Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex"
DefendTruth shares this
St. Michael's Media (Church Militant) will end it operations in April
English Catholic
Deo Gratias. I've always said it was a car crash waiting to happen and was wary of it right from the beginning (when it was called Real Catholic TV). I hope and pray Michael Voris will find peace and return to the Faith, but I also hope he will lead a life of anonymity - any attempt to return to the limelight would be fraught with danger. I feel sorry for the people who poured their money into this …More
Deo Gratias. I've always said it was a car crash waiting to happen and was wary of it right from the beginning (when it was called Real Catholic TV). I hope and pray Michael Voris will find peace and return to the Faith, but I also hope he will lead a life of anonymity - any attempt to return to the limelight would be fraught with danger. I feel sorry for the people who poured their money into this outfit, but it is a salutary lesson to be more discerning, prudent and cautious in future. I also feel sorry for other Catholic apostolates, who will now be unfairly tarred with the same brush, by dissident clergy and laity. UPDATE: I just went into Church Militant to have a look and they're still asking for subscriptions and donations. I couldn't see any article stating that they are closing down. In fact, they say 'the best is yet to come' (see below). STOP GIVING MONEY NOW.
Full press release
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic I agree - this may adversely affect other Catholic apostolates.
Patricia McKeever
@DefendTruth Thank you for this alert - I had missed this altogether.
Has anyone ever speculated that ChurchMilitant was an "evil" work (of an intelligence agency?) to either control the Catholic Resistance (have a "head" there) or to intentionally have a negative influence on other Catholic apostolates?
Fernanda Dellucci
What a waste of the money of countless donors.
English Catholic
@Fernanda Dellucci Exactly. But this is what happens. There is an alleged seer (who has been condemned by the local Diocese and by the Holy See) in the UK who has an organisation which is supposedly all about abortion. So many good pro-life people have got taken in by it, and so much money has been given, which could have gone to genuine pro-life causes. If the devil can't get you to sin, he'll …More
@Fernanda Dellucci Exactly. But this is what happens. There is an alleged seer (who has been condemned by the local Diocese and by the Holy See) in the UK who has an organisation which is supposedly all about abortion. So many good pro-life people have got taken in by it, and so much money has been given, which could have gone to genuine pro-life causes. If the devil can't get you to sin, he'll distract you with counterfeit causes of one type or another.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic Totally correct, and fake apparitions is a favoured ploy of the devil to lead people astray. Even where we least expect it - I've just discovered that the brave American Bishop Joseph Strickland has given credence to Medjugorje. I don't know just how (if at all) involved he is with that hoax, but I was very disappointed to read that he apparently believes the nonsense. After standing …More
@English Catholic Totally correct, and fake apparitions is a favoured ploy of the devil to lead people astray. Even where we least expect it - I've just discovered that the brave American Bishop Joseph Strickland has given credence to Medjugorje. I don't know just how (if at all) involved he is with that hoax, but I was very disappointed to read that he apparently believes the nonsense. After standing up to correct this terrible pontiff, and thus giving us all hope (even non-Americans on the other side of the world like me and moi) he "comes out" as an adherent, at some level, of a fake apparition claim. When will this nightmare end... and yes, I know, after the Consecration of Russia but a gal has to let off steam sometimes 😬
Patricia McKeever
@Fernanda Dellucci True: but it's not just the waste of money, bad as that is, certainly, but the damage the whole CM scandal has caused to the work of alerting Catholics to the need to expose/challenge (where we can do so honestly) double-living by the clergy and to remember that we are Confirmed Soldiers of Christ for the explicit purpose of defending the Faith when it is under attack.
@Patricia McKeever Bishop Strickland gave a beautiful homily in Medjugorje. Thanks be to God this bishop has a sound judgement.
Credo .
@ Petrus 100452. ~ Yeh right! 😡