Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists’ ‘Great Reset’ agenda

This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic was manufactured by the world’s elites …More
This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic was manufactured by the world’s elites as part of a plan to globally advance “transhumanism” — literally, the fusion of human beings with technology in an attempt to alter human nature itself and create a superhuman being and an “earthly paradise,” according to a Peruvian academic and expert in technology.
Watch the video: The Great Reset: A Critical Review.
This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but an integral part of the proposed post-pandemic “Great Reset,” Dr. Miklos Lukacs said at a recent summit on COVID-19.
Indeed, to the extent that implementing the transhumanist agenda is possible, it requires the concentration of political and economic power in the hands of a global elite and the dependence of people on the state, said Lukacs.
That’s precisely the aim of the Great Reset, promoted …More
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those who are responsable should be charged