Gloria.TV News on the 16th of November 2016 A Reprieve: Rey Flores has commented in the Wanderer on the Trump election under the title, “The day we saved America.” Quote: “Our nation became, and still …More
Gloria.TV News on the 16th of November 2016
A Reprieve: Rey Flores has commented in the Wanderer on the Trump election under the title, “The day we saved America.” Quote: “Our nation became, and still is, a cesspool of radical and evil social engineering designed to kill all that is beautiful in this world.” But: “I believe that God has given us a reprieve with a Trump win and a Hillary Clinton loss.”
Selective: In his November prayer intention Pope Francis says that – quote – “we must move away from indifference and the fear of accepting the other.” Francis refers to accepting Muslim immigrants, not the faithful of the Old Rite whom he likes to judge and ridicule.
Nuncio Attacks Bishops: Speaking at a luncheon at Georgetown University discussing nuclear disarmament, the Apostolic Nuncio in the U.S., Archbishop Christophe Pierre, attacked the U.S. bishops by claiming that, “the pope is more prophetic than the Catholic bishops here today.”
Complete Ideology: Archbishop Pierre also attacked …More
It is a fantasy of mine that Pope Francis's selection of Archbishop Cupich as a cardinal-designate has been made in the spirit of, "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer". Cupich habitually pushes an understanding of the seamless-garment concept as not merely uniting all issues regarding the value of respect for human life and the human person, but also leveling the field among these …More
It is a fantasy of mine that Pope Francis's selection of Archbishop Cupich as a cardinal-designate has been made in the spirit of, "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer". Cupich habitually pushes an understanding of the seamless-garment concept as not merely uniting all issues regarding the value of respect for human life and the human person, but also leveling the field among these issues, making them of equal importance. His understanding of Catholic moral teaching is confused and heretical.
Thanks for the news, Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better.
A reprieve, I agree, and we are at this moment witnessing how much power evil has in the states, and the world
Evil does not like this defeat, and like rust never sleeps.
Maybe these rumblings in different countries are a light nudge from God to make His children aware once again of the Battle between Good and Bad?
I see this same situation …More
Thanks for the news, Gloria.TV The More Catholic the Better.
A reprieve, I agree, and we are at this moment witnessing how much power evil has in the states, and the world
Evil does not like this defeat, and like rust never sleeps.

Maybe these rumblings in different countries are a light nudge from God to make His children aware once again of the Battle between Good and Bad?

I see this same situation in the Church, a parallel of sorts. Pope Benedict XVI gave the Church a short reprieve from the modernist Juggernaut. The Evil hated him & the attempt made to restore the Sacred in Her worship and the clarity(absolutes) of thought that belongs to truth, in her writings, and speeches.

Pope Benedict appeared to be breaking with the modernist`s utopia.
He asked for prayers, so he would not succumb to the wolves.
Pope Benedict XVI steps down a short time later!
If Only we truly understood! I` m Sorry, Pope Benedict XVI

Never in the History of the Church has there been such a backlash, and open reversal of a prior Pope`s direction that was not declared incompetent. Pope Benedict was not incompetent.
I feel as if I am witnessing a revolution, and it is so horrible, so ugly that most of the faithful refuse to look at it for what it is.

I pray that More Faithful Cardinals and Bishops find the courage to Defend the Deposit of Faith!

As a Catholic & American I saw something different in this election.
A loud and continuous call to prayer, combined with a new voice to declare what is evil out in the open. less fear........more faith...... I am going to thank Donald Trump for this instead of Cardinal Dolan. How sad is that?

Many Novena`s , National Novena`s Countless Rosaries, Cries to Heaven for Mercy.
What did Pope Benedict XVI ask for? PRAYERS..........................
What made the election of Donald Trump possible? PRAYERS
A Reprieve: Dear God, please grant us the Grace to find our Faith once again for the spiritual battle in prayer. Turn this evil away from the world for a time longer. Amen
Maybe now The Catholic Faithful will heed our Lady`s Call for Prayers and penance , and Heaven will Once again Bless the work of our hands.
The reverse is to horrible to consider!
"Francis refers to accepting Muslim immigrants, not the faithful of the Old Rite whom he likes to judge and ridicule." Priorité à l'Autre contre saint Paul : Ainsi donc, pendant que nous en avons le temps, faisons le bien envers tous, et surtout envers les frères dans la foi. Ga6, 9-10