
Francis Has Appointed One Third-Rate Cardinal Too Many

Francis’ habit of promoting incompetents to cardinals is backfiring (SilereNonPossum.it, September 4). After announcing the 2022 consistory, Van Looy (ex-Gent) declined because he had bungled abuse …More
Francis’ habit of promoting incompetents to cardinals is backfiring (SilereNonPossum.it, September 4).
After announcing the 2022 consistory, Van Looy (ex-Gent) declined because he had bungled abuse cases. Two other shady figures, McElroy (San Diego) and Cantoni (Como) remained in the race.
Cantoni has ordained Father Martinelli who was involved in homosex affaires at the Vatican’s minor seminary, and as Crema Bishop he botched the case of Father Mauro Inzoli.
Inzoli – a prominent priest – partly confessed to groping up to 20 mostly male youths between 12 and 16 years from 2004-2008. In July 2011 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ordered his punishment.
In August 2012, Cantoni sentenced Inzoli to a five-year-suspension saying that the purpose of the "ecclesial spirit is always to maternally accompany its children, even when they make mistakes, rather than to condemn". Francis would have said the same – as long as a “culprit” is not guilty of being Catholic.
The CDF, however …More
Croí Láidir
St. Peter Damian, pray for us!
De Profundis
It appears that McElroy employed a now convicted ex-priest, Jerome Bertrand, who had already confessed to gross sexual abuse in the presence of the Sacrament.
John Fritz Logan
Thankfully maybe not one TOO many, just short of a veto block I think.